Chapter Nine

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"I really like your body"
"and I don't like your presence"

"I'll sit beside my Hee"
"don't you dare call me that"

"you know, I'm free this Saturday"
"and does it look like I give a fck?"

"how about we go on a ice cream date-"

"I love you, hee"
"but I don't, and wasn't I clear about you calling me 'hee'?"

"Heeseung, I know you love me than why not-"
"who the fck said that and my so called 'feelings' towards aren't even close to the letter L so you better stop annoying me"

"Look I made us matching-"
"Oh god, can't you take a fcking hint, Ara?"

"Can you please just stop? My life is already messed up and you're making it worse"

And these were some conversations going on between Ara and hee over this past few weeks

It clearly shows how desperate Ara is, doesn't take a hint, always clinging onto Heeseung and annoying him

While on the other hand, here are some conversations of you and him

"Here have this chocolate milk"
"Thank you but-"
"I ain't hearing any buts"

"You're shivering as fck- take my extra jacket"
"It's really not that cold- achoo!"
"Oh god, you already caught a cold? Why are you so fcking careless?"

"You aren't changing seats anymore"
"I have to-"
"That piece of shit called Ara makes me so mad- ugh! So, no, I'm not letting you go"

"Why are you always ignoring me?"
"Uh- I-I'm just tired"
"Tired of me?"

"You've changed"
"Did I?"

"You're not my y/n anymore"

but instead you stayed quite this time, not knowing how to reply to that

You've been silent, that's not you

You look pale, that's not you

You're always alone, that's not you

And all along, you're just not you anymore

Heeseung never thought that he'd ever feel this crazy feelings for just an ordinary girl

But was she just an ordinary for him? How did he see you through his eyes? What's the view of his eyes?

He was craving attention, that's not him

He was desperate, that's not him

He couldn't move on, that's not him

And all along, he was also not him anymore

Love? What was that? A feeling where you get butterflies? Where you feel loved? And... Then get your heart shattered into millions of pieces by the one who made you feel like heaven? Leaving you after finding someone else telling you that they are 'better'? Leaving you a crying mess and go psycho and lock yourself for days?

Leaving you as if you never meant anything. Leaving you screaming and begging for them to stay while they just drove away with the 'better one'? Was love beautiful or another name for trauma?

This was the point of his view about love

Hee felt disgust whenever he thought of love

His mother never behaved any weirdly even tho she was shattered from the inside. She acted fine just for his nine years old son, who was just confusingly staring at the scene of his dad leaving them

She tried to act she was all okay even though it made her think of killing herself. Even though it made her second think her being alive. Even though it made her question her worth

She still stayed strong for her nine years old, who didn't understand anything, who didn't know what was happening, who didn't know what his mother had gone through for his cheater so called father, who didn't know why he left them, who didn't know why his mom was screamingly and crying while his father walked out of their life while having another woman in his arms

But that was just her point of view

Heeseung knew it all

He knew how his father was a cheater, he knew how he was the reason why his mother was all messed up, he knew how his mother had felt and what his mother had went through

He was a bit mature to say at his age that he knew exactly what was happening

Along with his mother, he also acted

Acted not to know

He was just nine years old, still understood it all

Maybe if he was a bit more mature or older he would've comforted his mother but he never brought up the topic of his father

At the beginning, it was hard but slowly it started to go well

He moved on well after being surrounded by his loved ones

The boy who thought all this once suddenly backed off on it

And did he really accept the fact that he's in love?

Yes, his friends knew how he was crazily in love with you

You completely changed his point of view on love

He always felt something weird whenever you smiled, whenever you giggled, whenever you got shy, whenever you looked cute

But he always buried down his feelings but you succeeded

Succeeded in making him change his perspective

You were someone special in front his eyes

Someone who is different from others

Lee Heeseung fell in love with you

"Bro, y/n really changed you. and I'm really happy about that" Sunghoon clapped in excitement

"Love is such a lovely feeling, I know how you're feeling, Hyung" Jungwon smiled

"Yeah, yeah whatever. It's not even that special" Heeseung rolled his eyes and laughed

"What the heck are you saying?" Jungwon dramatically gasped "it's so special that it deserves celebrating" Jungwon squealed as the three made their way to their classes

Heeseung was waiting for y/n but she didn't show up and luckily one of his known classmates had sat beside him meaning the chair where y/n usually sits so Ara couldn't

Heeseung was left confused when the teacher came and there was still no sign of your presence

You were the type of girl who always was present to school even if you are sick but it was the first time he didn't see in class

Hee got worried asked the boy next to him "where is y/n today?"

"Y/n's mother said to me that she couldn't make it today as she was very sick" the boy replied

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