Chapter Thirteen

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you were in your room now, doodling random creatures away recalling what Heeseung had said back there in uni


"You're mine and I'm yours from now on" he smiled but fear didn't seem to leave you

Hee noticed your uneasiness and held your arms, as you looked up to his eyes he spoke "don't worry, love" he hugged you closer

"b-but, she's d-dangerous" you gulped tightening your grip on his light blue shirt "and our love is more dangerous" he patted your head in a comforting way

"Hee-" "I don't wanna hear any words" he sternly said

you couldn't help but hug him and break down in his arms. "H-hey, love. Don't cry" he brought your face up and used his thumbs to gently wipe your tears

he leaned in placed a kiss on each of your eyelids

"I love you so much, y/n"
"I love you too, hee"

End of flashback

"Why are you smiling, sissy?" your chain of thoughts broke when you heard a voice from behind

looking back, your smile dropping seeing Ara standing there "n-nothing" you stuttered

"Oh, I'm sure there is" she came and sat on your bed while your eyes just followed her figure "come on, tell me, your bestie" she smiled as you gulped

"Sisters are besties, so come on, spill the tea bestie" she leaned forward making you hesitant

you obviously couldn't tell her about you and hee or she would go crazy but you had to tell her something, so she wouldn't suspect anything

"what are you thinking?" you blinked twice before looking up at her and put a fake smile

"oh, it's nothing special, just that me and Jake were walking and he tripped on a huge rock which led him to fall, and the scene of him falling was ridiculous" you laughed a bit

Ara eyed you suspiciously but later put on a cocky smile before nodding her head "it's good that you're having your eyes on someone else" her smile widened but you shook your head at her comment

"n-no, it's nothing like that, Jake is just my friend- and ew, why would I date that idiot, pfft-" you tried to act comfortable around Ara as she looked down and nodded hearing you

"tch tch tch, but I would be better if you actually start seeing someone else tho" she got up as you looked at her through your furrowed eyes "cuz, there's no way you'll get Heeseung, he's only mine" she sarcastically smiled again as you secretly balled your fist under your desk

"anyways, good night, and also, think about what I said" you got up to close the door "it will really be helpful" that was her last line before you closed the door and plopped yourself on your bed

"Oh, God, please help me" you prayed and later drifted to dreamland after your eyes felt heavy due to tired

Time skip

"I'll see at lunch" you waved at sunoo and Jake before leaving for you class as you had english while they both had maths

you were casually passing by the boys' washroom to get to your class but a sudden pull made you stumble and get inside of it

before you could comprehend anything, you were now pinned against the door, being trapped by your dear boyfriend's arms

"H-Heeseung, are you stupid? What if someone sees us and why did pull me inside this stinkers' washroom, huh? and more worse, what if ara-" you couldn't complete your scoldings when Heeseung pressed his plumpy lips against yours

you were shocked, hee noticed you weren't kissing back so he bit your lower lip making you moan

coming back to your senses, you pushed hee away as he smirked eyeing your restless state

"what the heck, hee-" "stop scolding me unless you want me to make you moan louder so that the whole campus can hear, hm?" he blurted out without any hesitance making your eyes go wide as a golf ball and jaw drop to the ground

"you dirty-" you started to throw punches on his buff chest with your little tiny fists

"aww, my girlfriend is so cute" he whined before engulfing you in tight hug

"yah, go away" you broke the hug "it's almost time for class and you're now flirting over here" you complained while fixing your dress "is it my fault that my hormones-" he zipped his mouth shut after being shot a glare by you

"don't leave" he whined as you slapped his hand away from your waist "you also go to your class" you commanded

"okay fine, but give me a last peck cuz I have a math test today" he pouted and leaned but you pressed your finger on his forehead and shoved him away

"you should've studied, then" you wrapped your arms over your chest "I did, but your kiss is a good luck, so" he again leaned in
but instead you sneakily took a step back

quietly pouring water on your hands "what's taking you so long?" he questioned and was about to open his eyes but you hurriedly told him not "don't" he got startled "why?" he chuckled

"I-I'm preparing" you stuttered but he just shrugged still with his eyes closed "alright" he said

you took tiny steps towards him "y/n- ahh!" hee gasped after a fist full of water was splashed on his face

he inhaled before seeing the imposter, giggling in tiny

"You-" you panicked and ran for the bathroom door to escape

you laughed coming out of the washroom but Heeseung stayed a bit there to wash up as his little cute girlfriend had already got him wet

"y/n?" you laughing session stopped hearing that familiar voice call you from behind

your body went stiff seeing your nightmare stand there, giving you a questioning look "why are coming out of boys' bathroom?" she raised a brow as you gulped

"Uh- accidentally?" you lied, giving her a crooked smile being nervous "how-" Ara got cut off when the door beside you was about to open as fear took over you

"Ouch-" Heeseung groaned as you unexpectedly closed the door when he was about to walk out "what the heck, y/n-" "who's there-" Heeseung frowned hearing a different voice

"don't" later on he heard your voice, making him realize that the other person was none other ara

"why?" she asked, suspiciously "it's just that- uh" you looked around trying to find what to say "it's a girl on her periods-" you mentally face palmed yourself for saying such a stupid reason

"what?" she blurted, confused "the girl here is on her periods-" "but why is there a girl-" "because she hurriedly went inside the boys' one while panicking" you let out a nervous chuckle

"so... why did you lie to me?" Ara questioned as your eyes widened. "Uhm-" you gulped "w-when? I didn't lie" you answered "you did, you said you accidentally-" "ahhh~" you said loudly catching her off guard

"SHE- accidentally went inside that!" you pointed at the door, indicating the "female"

"let's just not waste time, alright" you grabbed her arm "class is almost about to start, let's go" you started to drag

"But-" "no, buts. we don't wanna be scolded by the meanest teacher, right? Come on" you cut her off

Ara being dumbfounded by your actions, let you drag her but her eyes accidentally fell on the figure behind them

her fists clenched seeing something which she wasn't supposed to see

"you did very wrong, sissy"

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