Chapter Three

647 17 12

At 6:50 pm

Y/N's pov

I was checking my self on the mirror. I kept looking at the clock and kept on wondering why suddenly Mrs. Lee aka Heeseung's mom wanted to see me?

My thoughts broke when I heard the bell ring. I quickly went there and opened the door

My heart raced like a racing car seeing him right infront of the door

I didn't even realize that I was staring at him. He raised a eye brow making me come in sense

"I'll get m-my stuff" I ran inside

I mentally slapped myself and shook my tension away

Taking a deep breath, I walked over to his car

He opened the car door gesturing me to enter. I don't know. it's not like I'm going to meet his mom, it's more like he's taking me on a date--

"GHSGHWD" I screamed inside my head as he also got in and started to drive

The ride was silent until "You don't really dress up that much like the other girls, huh?" He said making me look at him and then back at my fingers that I was playing with

"No, I'm not really that type of girl, you know? 'girly type?' " you scoffed at the last

"Hmm.. I like it" he said making you slightly blush

Time skip

"We're here!" He said as you both got down

After getting inside his house, you were lost mesmerizing it

You removed your shoes and put it on the shoe shelf

You wore a slipper before entering

Just as you put your foot on the slippery marble floor, you closed your eyes thinking of falling down

But a hand caught you before falling

You slowly opened my eyes and met the most beautiful pair of eyes

His dark orbs were looking right into yours. Your hand was on his chest making you feel his heart beat go in the same rhythm as yours

"Oh, Heeseung you came-" she stopped seeing you guys

Realization hit you both when you heard someone talking

When you looked in front, you saw Mrs. Lee standing there

you both quickly let go of each other as she laughed

"Maybe I disturbed you guys-" she said making you chuckle in awkward

"Mom!! It's nothing!" He said

"Who is this beautiful girl?" She said coming towards you both as you bowed at her respectively

"I'm y/n! Heeseung told me that you wanted to meet me!" You said with a light smile on your lips

"Omo! Really! You're so pretty dear! My son sure does a have great choice and picked a nice girl for him!" She said as she hugged you as you were stunned by what she said as well as Heeseung

"Mom, remember what I told you before I said I'll make you meet her?" He said as you looked at him confused

"What did he tell you, Aunty?" You said as he was about to say something but got cut off

"He told me not to tell you that he keeps talking and thinking about you--" "Mom, guest is here will you keep her standing here?" He said trying to change the topic

"Ah! Yeah! But Y/n is not a guest! She's one of our family member!" She said as you shyly smiled as you all went to the living room

"You guys talk, I'll go prepare dinner!" She said leaving you both alone in the living room

Awkward silence spread around you both as he took out his phone to use it

"ice" you said to yourself without noticing that it was audible for Heeseung to hear as he said

"I guess your fire then?" He said putting his phone down as you looked at him flustered

"Huh?" You said "if you're saying I'm ice, then I guess you must be fire, huh?" He chuckled to himself

"Why shouldn't I? You're literally cold and rude to everyone!" You told him without thinking how he would feel

The awkward silence surrounding again

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" You said being guilty

"But why do you sometimes be soft to me-?" You got cut off by him saying

"Well, Maybe because you're melting me?"

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