Chapter Eight

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Heeseung POV

I went to the campus early in morning, before anyone today

I have been coming like this since few days cuz if I come a bit late when the others are already present, especially girls

It gets hard for me to enter as they keep gathering at the gate at the time of my arrival and also their squeals makes my eardrum burst

Don't take me as an ungrateful one but all these unnecessary attention and ehem ehem out of the blue compliments, I don't like them very much

I like being in peace and alone, hanging out only my only two close friends Sunghoon and Jungwon

And I also maybe teasing y/n?-- no wait-- what the heck-- ugh

Thinking of y/n, I was about to walk into my classroom but saw y/n was sitting on her seat, zoned out?
Since a few days, especially when that new called.. uhm... Maybe Ara? Yeah right, Ara, since she came she has been quite not herself

I slowly took my steps closer to her and sat myself beside her. I was admired her side profile, her face, long eyelashes and light bangs shining under the sunlight which rayed from the window

My thumb went forward towards her cheeks, wiping the drop of tear that suddenly fell from your eye

( End of pov )

You looked beside you feeling his touch. "When did you come?" You questioned "since you were in your own world" he chuckled as you looked down "I'm sorry" you let out and was about get up but he grabbed wrist pulling you back in your seat

"What's wrong? You've been ignoring me for a week now and it's freaking annoying me! What the hell is wrong, y/n? What's bothering you?" He let all his frustration out in one go

He was not okay, he felt lonely, being with you talking to you or even just even having eye contacts with you made his day

But then you suddenly stopped looking at him, you would move your seat if he sat next to you just before the teacher came so he couldn't say anything

It was annoying the heck out of him, he's life was already messed up and you were like a therapy to him but even you stopped interacting with him

"It's nothing" you were about to get up but he didn't let go of his grip around your wrist "I need to go to the washroom" he finally let go of you but instead he took your bag pack and placed it on his lap, securing it between his arms making you confused

"What are you doing with my bag?" You were about to grab it but he slightly turned a little like a baby "your going to sit beside me, I don't want to sit with this new girl called Ara or whatever" he rolled his eyes as you sadly chuckled and went out

You were washing your hands in the sink when you suddenly felt a tight pull on your shoulder making you wince in pain

"getting close to Heeseung, I see" she glared at you "what the hell is wrong with you, Ara?" You shouted but she covered your mouth harshly

"Shouting, so your romeo, Heeseung would come and save you huh?" She maniacally chuckled "and you know exactly that the one who is wrong is you! You're the problem" she glared at you as you yanked her hand off your mouth

"What did I do?" You asked as tears brimmed in your eyes "acting innocent, aren't we? You fucking stole my birth parents and now the guy I love?" She said as you furrowed

"The guy you love?" You questioned being a little tensed "yes!" She sternly said " w-who?" you stuttered as you prayed inside your heart "oh god, please don't let it be him, please not him" you were praying but guess your prayers weren't heard when she said his name

Time skip

You walked back to your class room and saw that it was now filled with students' chitter-chatters. you sighed as you saw him talking with few other classmates while making your way towards your seat

Hee noticed your presence as he also sat beside you. He frowned after you let out a heavy sigh, he did noticed that it was after you saw him

But he decided shrug it off, "looks like your mood didn't change a bit, huh?" he joked but you seemed to be in your own world to even hear his voice

You ignored him on purpose

"Hey, are you okay-" "please don't talk to me" you cut him off, trying to sound a little rude not knowing how much it hurted the male

"Y/n-" "please" you cut him off once again but open your mouth to say to him

"and it would be better if you change seats with someone else"

You blurted out before dropping your head onto your desk, being done with all shits that has been going in your life

Hee on the other hand felt like his heart dropped when those cold words made out of your mouth

'does she has a fever or what?' he questioned himself, normally you would've loved if he sat next to you by his own will but today you were acting different, very, very different

But he didn't let his emotions take over him and decided to play it cool like your words meant nothing to him

"Pfft, as if I'll do as you say" he rolled his eyes acting to be pissed, wrapping his arm over his buff chest

Suddenly his mind realized something and thousands of things were now roaming in his head

'ever since that new girl named uhm.. I guess Ana- oh no, Ara! Yeah ever since that Ara came in our campus, I've noticed y/n acting differently, never, even in my dreams I never thought that y/n would avoid me, but I've also realized something, their last names- Kang Y/n and Kang Ara. And even their facial features matches, are they both related?'

hee thought and thought but this chain of his thoughts were broken when the teacher entered the classroom


"w-who is he?" You managed to ask her praying that it would not be the one on your mind

But luck wasn't with you when she said her name crashing your whole world just in seconds

"Lee Heeseung"

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