Chpt. 15

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The quinn-jet  flew quickly thru the sky towards the location of the hydra base, all the avengers present sitting in the seats in the back of said jet. All except Bruce. He paced back and forth, from the left side to the right of the jet. "They could be torturing her, running unethical experiments, or maybe even trying to brain wash her, we need to hurry..." he murmured as he paced, arms crossed across his chest, eyes casted down in thought.

  Tony watched Bruce as he sat near the closest to him, fiddling with the arm of his suit before letting out a groan. " Bruce what is your problem? She's fine, you've seen the teeth on that girl, she probably ripped their throats out before they could do any real damage, calm down."

   "You don't understand Tony, if something happens to her I honestly don't know what I would do. She..." He trailed off as he countinued to pace, now placing a hand on his chin as he rigorously over thought.

  Tony stood up, stepping towards his friend, "Wait, did something happen between the two of you before she left? I know you both hung out alot but I thought it was simply sharing experiences with your similar alter genetics." Bruce stopped Infront of him rubbing the back of his neck.

  "Well we sort of, went out once. A few weeks before she left. We don't exactly have a label or anything established but I guess it went.... well. We hit it off an agreed we liked spending time... Together." Bruce stumbled as his mind came to a sudden screech. He never told his science bro anything, Tony had many times encouraged him to date but never told him about it. He wasn't sure if Ember wanted it to be known by the team.

  "I'm shocked! My friend finally going out with someone, a friend no less! An he never told me," Tony exclaimed in mock exaggerated horror. Thor and Steve sat behind them huge smiles on their faces as Clint passed them each money, clearly having placed a bet on if the pair would date.

   "You don't have to know everything Tony, maybe they didn't want to feel pressured by everyone knowing their personal time," Natasha interjected from her seat, showing signs of slight annoyance.

   "But I could have given such good advice, the best pick up lines, restaurants, sex advice, or even just let him borrow a car. Heck I could have been his wing man," he explained in excitement.

   "An this is why I wanted to wait, we both have a mutual understanding to take things slow. We haven't even approached the topic of intimacy yet, Tony. Neither of us have dated for years due to our conditions. We haven't even agreed if we are exclusive yet," Bruce argued in annoyance. "All the more reason to have told me, I could have helped you with talking points or help you look confident an impress her."

   "Tony stop!! As long as their relationship is healthy and neither are damaging the other, we don't need to know anything about any of it. Bruce is worried for Ember's safety right now, pressing his buttons won't help us!" Steve said, jumping in between the arguing pair. In response both sat in closest seats. Once he was sure they had calmed down Steve returned to his seat.

  "Ok Bruce, Natasha, and Clint, you three are going to enter the building as quietly as possible. Bruce, you are in charge of hacking any system needed to find Ember, an try to gather any information you can on their activity. Natasha an Clint will fight any resistance that is still there, while the rest of the squad and I will attack from the front. Code green will be up to Natasha to decide if and when it is necessary. Our first priority is finding Ember and eliminating any threat this place may hold, or be working on." He explained as they came closer to the base. It looked like a normal building, at least 4 stories tall, with at least multiple floors underground. Made of dark gray material, an almost permeated dark energy.

   They soon started the descent, the alarm from the building clearing audible. Team stealth quickly ran into the dark edge of the forest to swiftly run towards the rear of the back. Team distract was quickly lead by Steve, quickly surpassed by Tony flying above besides Thor.

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