chpt 6

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I stood in front of the mirror, wondering if this was really a good choice of an outfit. Then again, I didn't know if this was a date or just two 'team members' hanging out. Eventually I choose to wear a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a jean jacket. As I walked out of my bedroom I pulled on my baseball hat to hide my ears again. Suddenly I heard something at the door.

   Knock knock knock

   I quickly walked towards it and opened it to reveal a very nervous looking Bruce. "Hey," I smiled, almost too eagerly. He quickly looked at me, "Hi Ember."

   "I'm almost ready to go, just give me a minute," I said as I turned around to quickly grab a bag of dog food. I swiftly walked into the dining room and filled two bowls labled 'Snowpaw' and 'Firefang'. Bruce followed slowly behind me, "You have a nice place here."

   I nodded, "Thanks, I found it in the paper. For sale at a decent price, small but cozy, and plenty of forested land for them to run plus far enough from town." I shrugged, "Ready."

-A while later-

   I stepped out of the taxi and turned towards the small cafe Bruce suggested. I walked towards the cafe with Bruce trying to think of what to say. This wasnt a first, if I got nervous I would hardly talk unless spoken to, but only around certain people. So in other words, anyone I admired, or had a crush on.

   The cafe was small, quiet, and somehow calming. As soon as we entered we were greeted by a young man, dressed in a red shirt, jeans, "follow me please."

   He lead us through the room, to a nearby booth. I silently sat down, an Bruce sat across from me. The waiter kindly handed us our menus and left us to choose as he went to help other customers. We both sat there in silence as we looked at our menus for several minutes.

   "So any suggestions?" I asked looking over my menu at Bruce. "Wh-what?" He asked in response. "Any food you want to suggest?" I clarified with a small giggle. "Oh, umm the steaks and salads are pretty good here, s-sorry I'm just nervous," he said with a small smile, his cheeks turning slightly pink. I smiled in response, my face blushing in response, "Your not the only one, I'm nervous too, I haven't exactly dated much since I got the ears, tail, and other things."

   "Same here, I mean I don't have the animal things you have but I've often been too scared the other guy would come out and ruin everything," he explained. I chuckled, "At least its easy for you to act some what normal in a crowd, I have to hide my ears and tail under hats an long jackets." We both chuckled in agreement. "So how good is there medium well steak?" I asked after we both stopped chuckling.

---Later that night----

   We had finished eating and had decided to walk back since the streets were now almost empty. "So, how do you like the team?" Bruce asked as he walked beside me, hands in his pockets. I smiled slightly, "I like you guys, its kinda amazing how you all work together. Your all so different in so many ways, but yet you make such an amazing team."

  "How so?" He asked.

   I bite my lip thinking for a moment, "Well, you are all so different, Tony is a flirt, cocky, friendly, party animal, and annoying while Steve is kind, old fashion, stubborn, and a gentleman. Thor is a alien/god like person, who loves pop tarts, and kind person but has a temper. Natasha and Clint are basically two types of assassin spies, one acts sometimes like a clown. And you, are a brilliant scientist, quiet, shy, have a tiny anger issue, and.... kinda...handsome." I blushed at the end off my summary.

   We where both quiet for a few moments after, my eyes down casted. I felt my face turn red, as well as my brown ears that now probably had a red tint to them. Eventually I heard a chuckle, which caused me to raise my gaze from my shoes to his smiling face. "I didn't think you could see anything like that in me," he stated as he looked into my eyes.

   I raised my eyebrows, "Why?" His smile faultered just a bit, "Well, I'm not exactly a simple person, with the other guy, being a monster, and having killed many people." He looked away after finishing. "Your no monster, Bruce." I simply said. His gaze moved to me again, silently asking for me to continue.

   "A monster is a person, or being, who hurts others on purpose, feels no remorse for it, and does it for no reason. You didn't want any of it to happen, you blame yourself, and you did it because the hulk couldn't be contained, so you are NOT a monster." I continued looking him dead in the eye, my voice never wavering. His eyes widened for a second.

   Suddenly he grabbed my hand, pulled me into his body and kissed me awkwardly on the lips. He pulled away before I could process what just happened, "Sorry." He said pulling away.

   I gently touches my lips, feeling shocked beyond belief. But after a few seconds I smiled kindly, grabbed his hand and kissed him gently. It was a simple peck, but it showed how much I liked the man, despite his supposed dark side.

   "Don't be," I whispered as I smiled. He grinned ear to ear after he realized I also liked him. We continued our walk then on, talking about this and that along the way.

   Once we got to my door I smiled at him, "thanks, I had a blast tonight." "Same here, see you tomorrow at work, k?" He said as he walked me to the door. I smiled even bigger somehow, and kissed him on the cheek, "Not if I see you first." His face turned red to match my own as he sheepishly smiled.

  "Good night," we both said as I walked inside an shut the door. Once inside I leaned against the door face still red, feeling ecstatic, and a gentle smile on my face.

   Kinda short but I did my best.

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