chpt 14

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   I sat on the cold metal floor of the cage in the middle of hydra's lab. Everything hurts. For the past few days I was injected with strange chemicals, ment to stimulate me in one way or another. No one spoke directly to me, or even looked at me outside of injections.

   My heart was racing, head was pounding, and eyes burning. I felt as if I could run for hours, and fight a rhino. This wasn't right, my body shouldn't feel this way. I forced my eyes to close, refusing to cry out in pain. I tried pulling the chains around my wrists, wishing they would finally snap. I even tried biting them, but only causing small knicks and a sore jaw.

   After what seemed like hours, after constant monitoring, a familiar face showed up. Amy walked in wearing her usual colorful clothes and a head of Hydra lab coat. "Not who you expected, huh?" She asked with a rude sneer.

   I only glared at her, face as cold as I could muster. "That is exactly the reason I have him, everything under his name, always the suspect. Never the quiet sister, the true master mind," she stated nonchalantly. "Anyway you are hard to find any information about, little to no news articles. Until we found your tail tucked into your pants, and found the ears on top your head we had no clue what to find," she monologued as she walked up.

   "We took some blood when you were out, hope you don't mind. Analyzed your horridly corrupt DNA an RNA, tracked the wolf half to the very lab we tried destroying," Amy said as she examined me.

   "What? You were behind the explosion?" I asked, my mind suddenly coming to stop. "Oh yes, it was under one of our many secret companies. Secretly developing genetic research, beyond what you even thought. We know you worried the information would get into the wrong hands if hybrids were successfully developed," she bragged.

   She paced towards my cage as a soldier entered, clearing about to hold me down so a assistant could draw more blood an take more skin samples as well. "You were suppose to die, take the blame for the explosion. If you only kept the samples inside the contaminate unit, safe from the explosion ." she spat at me. "Good thing I did what I did then," I responded.

   SLAP!!! Came her fist against my face, my ears ringing as the soldier exited the cage. "Now stay like a good bitch an maybe we will give you food later," she spat. I sat up as my vision cleared and ears quieted. "Your going to regret all of this," I said as I sat against the wall. "You really think they are going to save a abomination like you, a freak with tarnished DNA an a tail!" she laughed as she left the lab, carrying a clipboard with information about other experiments. I watched  as a scientist walked away an start standardized tests with my samples and simply sighed, laying my head against the hard back wall hoping she was wrong.

   Surly Bruce or at least Fury would start to worry when I no longer an able to sign in. I shouldn't believe a word this ugly place said.

A/N: I finally seem to have some inspiration now, 4 years now lol. I'll try to write as much as possible people.

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