chpt 10

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I followed behind Nick Fury, almost having to jog to keep up with his fast pace. "As you know, you will be taking a under cover quin jet to a small town in Northern Europe, located a few hundred miles from the HYDRA base. The exact location of their base is unknown, but as long as you keep the finder chip in your earings online we will be able to hone in on your location." He quickly said in his loud informative voice.

I nodded in response, following him to the huge landing pad located on the top floor. Once inside the elevator he finally stopped to look at me, dropping the hard soldier act he put on in front of the agents. "Got everything you need for the mission? Your staff packed and equipped with the nessescary tools and things?" He asked with brotherly worry showing.

"Yes yes, everything is ready for the mission, you know I can do this, now make sure one of your agents check on Snowpaw and Firefang twice a day for food an water," I chuckled trying to reassure him. "I know, I know, I just want you to be very careful and for the mission to be successful," he said looking out the elevator glass wall. I smirked, it was amusing how protective he was, especially after so long of not talking. "So anything you suggest beyond the obvious, " I asked.

"Just keep your head down and don't trust anyone. Some may seem kind there, but that's only because they don't truly know what the people up top are really planning," he warned with a stern look. I nodded an stepped out of the glass elevator once it reached the top floor.

In the center of the roof was the small quin jet, with people racing everywhere checking it's fuel, controls, and other components. To the side, several feet away, was the short tower where more people contacting other planes around the world, near an far. It all instantly made me feel small, but I shrugged the feeling off an followed Nick to the agent in charge of landing pad.

"Ready for take off, agent?" Nick questioned him, yelling over the noise of the people working. "No sir, we've had a few set backs. The fuel injector isn't working right and the plane's weapon stock isn't filled yet, to name a few," he answered. Nick instantly started questioning him about how long an what other problems, an not long after I heard a shout, "Ember!!" causing my ears, currently hidden under Photostatic Veil Natasha gave me, to perk up and turned to find a nervous looking Bruce standing near the command building.

I jogged over to his side, an immediately asked in a ramble, "Bruce, why are you here? I mean I know I never had a chance to say good bye but I hopped you would understand, is something wrong?" "Calm down, it's fine. I just wanted to see you off and wish you luck," he answered with a small smile. This caused me to blush, feeling embarrassed for rambling like an idiot.

"Be careful, alright? Don't take any unnecessary risks," he said as he took my hand, squeezing it gently in his. I nodded and gently pulled him into a hug, "I won't make any promises, but I'll try." He chuckled slightly in response.

"Ember, hurry up," I heard Nick yell behind me. I inwardly groaned, not wanting to leave yet, but knew I had to. I pulled away slightly, kissed Bruce on the cheek quickly, and whispered, "See you when I get back," before having to dash to the jet. As I got on board I waved good bye, Bruce waving back. Soon after, the jet took off, with me inside.


The trip was shorter than I initially expected, being only a few hours. We landed in a small airport on the edge of a small town in Europe, Nick had connections to make sure no one would get too suspicious an gave them a convincing story to tell nosey people, or secret HYDRA agents. Once off the plane, I quickly searched for Nick's contact.

I was supposed to meet a fellow undercover agent, who would take me to the Hydra base, an possibly give me more information on the base an the people there than Nick could. After searching for the mysterious person I finally sighed and sat on a park bench near the air port. Soon after a woman matching Nick's discription walked over. She was a short woman with pale skin, black hair, and wearing black jeans an a red flannel shirt.

When she approached I stood up, face completely straight as I asked, "You the one I'm suppose to meet, to take me to HYDRA?" She nodded, an questioned, "You the new recruit? I thought the boss said you had wolf ears an tail."

"He made something to temporarily get rid of them," I chuckled, trying to not give too much information out in the open. She nodded, "Sounds like him, your his new 'pet' project." I nodded, glaring slightly, "In a way, I suppose, but I'm no one's 'pet'." She nodded in agreement, examining my profile.

"Let's get going," she stated as she nodded towards her large black jeep. I followed with a nod, trying my best to keep a brave face on, but on the inside my train of thought had practically derailed as more potential problems came to mind, an not all were centered around me.

There was something about this agent that made me feel wary, an now I started to worry slightly about Bruce. I haven't known him for long but I knew he worried about things even if he said he didn't. I hopped the others on the team were keeping him company, an wouldn't try to aggravate the mysterious hulk I've heard so much about.

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