chpt 13

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I softly stepped closer examining everything in eye sight. On the tables near each cage were empty syringes and half full vials of mysterious murky gray liquids. The room seemed to just permeate with the smell of synthetic chemicals, almost over taking the natural scent of the frightened animals kept prisoner in each metalic cold cage. There were at least a dozen canines, different types of felines from Bob cats to mountain lions, and a few hand fulls of small apes.

  I knew I had to do something, instantly searching for a way to get the seemingly unfeeling people out of the room, the last thing I needed now was a full panic with heavily armed security barging in. I quickly turned my head to look for an alternative safer entrance when- blackout.

A few days later at the SHIELD labs~
   Bruce sat quietly typing in the notes of his current project Nick had assigned to him. Trying his best to concentrate on his current task, but obviously failing miserably. He rolled his chair back inches as he slumped forward in defeat, rubbing his creased forehead..

   Every thought he had that day was plagued by worry. He hadn't heard any news about their newest member to the team in days. Normally she was religious about checking in ever single night with Nick, who would be courteous on letting Bruce specifically know all was well. But, none had been sent.

   What if she has been captured? Her cover blown? She could be being tortured or experimented on right now. Wait Ember could have just forgotten, or she is deep undercover.

   Again he tried, but his thoughts continued. His anxiety, an heart rate, rising to dangerous levels.

   But Wanda lectured her before hand about the importance of rigorous sign ins. Nick should be sending us in!

   "Call Fury, find wolf lady. Something wrong," his other half growled in the back of his mind. Bruce sighed, unable to bring himself to even argue with his angrier half. He pulled out his cell, clenching his hands tight around the device.

  Fury picked up almost immediately, almost as if he was about to call Bruce himself. "Banner?" Came the one eyed mans greeting.

  "Fury, hey. I know this is going to sound stupid and maybe even over protective but I haven't heard anything about Ember and was starting to worry, she's ok right?" Bruce asked in a single breathe.

   "We are currently investigating the where about of Ember. It's been almost 48 hours since any agents had any contact with her, or checked in." Fury said with hints of worry edging his reply.

   Bruce's stomach instantly dropped, his hand instantly clutching the cell dangerously tight. "Why haven't you sent in back up?! Contact the rest of the team, everyone is to meet on the roof of Stark Tower immediately," he growled out, eyes flashing green. "A helicarier will be there in an hour." Fury agreed immediately.

  He immediately hung up the phone, sprinting out of the lab in search of Tony. "Jarvik where's Tony." Immediately it replied, "Mr. Stark is currently in his main office discussing financial business with Miss Potts." He gave a quiet nod, doing his breathing exercises to attempt to lower his dangerously high heart beat. Tiny patches of green where spreading across the back of his hands.

  By the time Bruce walked into the office most of the green had dispersed. "Tony, it's an emergency! We need to get everything together, Ember has been discocered," he informed as he entered.

Sorry it's been so long, life gets away and you hardly find time lol.

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