chpt 1

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I stood at the door of the board room, Fury had told me that I should wait outside the door before meeting everyone. I wasn't sure why, but I guess it was Fury's secret dramatic side, the thought caused me to chuckle. I met him in freshmen year of college, before he joined SHIELD, he was in this 3rd year of athletics. It had been 4 years since we had really talked, since I had been in hiding trying to learn control over my 'change' in abilities, and when he got more into his foundation.

My ears twitched under my baseball hat towards the sound of a voice saying, "we'll who is this man?" which was followed by a deeper voice agreeing with a, "yeah." Which caused me to grin slightly, many men I have met have mentioned they couldn't believe a women could be a DNA specialist. I turned towards the sound of a whimper.

My wolf, Snowpaw, and her pup, Firefang, looked up at me with nervous eyes. I understood their worry and they understood mine, for we both hated waiting and regection. I smiled as I squatted down and hugged her. I whispered in her ear, "it's going to be fine Snow. They won't regect us." I scratched her behind the ear and pat Firefang's head.

I turned to the sound of Fury's voice, "Ember." I quickly stood up, straightened my shirt, tucked my tail into the back of my sweatshirt, and walked behind him.

"Avengers, meet Ms. Ember June Frame." I heard him say. He stepped aside revealing me, an also revealing my possible team members. I smiled sheepishly and said, hoping my voice wouldn't show how nervous I was, "Umm Hello." I quickly saw the man with black hair and a beard smile and chuckle, "Well hi to you too, so your the new 'muscle/scientist to our team?" He said sitting up in his chair.

"Yes." I spoke with a edge of excitement.

The tall man with the blonde hair smiled and said, "I'm sure Lady Ember will be a great addition to the team." His comment caused me to smile.

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