Chpt. 4

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I sat in the dinning room, blushing at the thought of what I had done in my excitement. Hugging would have been alright, but I seriously kissed Bruce Banner. I was lucky if they didn't ask Fury to fire me, which I know he would refuse but still. I sighed and poked at the ham and cheese sandwich I brought from home.

I had tried to find a tool made of a hard stable material, like concrete, but I came up with zilch. I sighed as I placed my sandwich down and placed my head on the cool table, feeling frustrated. I knew what my tool needed to be like but not what tool actually was.

"Hey, uhh whats up?" I heard someone say. I raised my head slightly, an saw it was Bruce. I shrugged, feeling too embarrassed and frustrated to talk. "Ha, only shrugging is going to make it hard for me to try an help you, umm solve your problem with your project," he said, nervously.

I raised my head, resting it on my crossed arms. "Why? I was inappropriate when I left the lab earlier," I asked, my face a deep shade of crimson, ears laying flat against my head. He smiled, "Fury warned us that you were very excitable, he thinks its a side effect of the accident you had. Its fine, you only surprised Tony an I."

I smiled slightly, "It kinda is, I was excitable before hand though. Mostly from family history having ADHD, though I was never diagnosed with it really. The wolf DNA basically made my tendency to get carried away into me being more energetic." He nodded as he sat beside me

I sighed, "I asked Fury to use his 'connections' to find a device that can be made of the most stable of materials but still be able to have a suction ability so that the energy is always moving inside it so it doesn't have time to curroad the tools unstable material." Bruce nodded as he ate the sandwich he brought over, "How long does Fury think it will take to find this thing?" I sat up looking at my plate, "it can be from a few days to a few months, and I hate waiting,"

"Well you could always help Tony and I with our experiments in the mean time if you want," he said after he finished chewing, with a noticeable blush on his face. I smiled, my ears perking, "Sure, but is Tony OK with this?" He gave a dry chuckle, "well actually it was his idea, though Tony ment if you had to wait for results or something like that."

I smiled, tail slightly waging being the chair, and say, "Sounds like fun, so what are you guys currently planning?" He smiled nervously as he ate his food.

About a week later

I stood in the lab, my hair pulled back in a high pony tail as I silently assembled the pieces of a tool. Tony had the idea that I should have a weapon of some type if I ever had to help fight, I agreed only because I needed something to do. I could fight well without weapons anyway, but I wasn't much for violence, unless it was necessary.

Tony and I figured we should go with a wolf themed weapon, he suggested shard retractable talons that are located on a row of brass knuckles. I explained that his idea was more for felines but it was a neat idea. After some serious thought, I finally came up with the perfect weapon. A staff.

Tony laughed at me, but only roles my eyes as I started to draw out prototypes. "Why a staff?" Tony asked as he looked over my shoulder. I smirked, "Well when a wolf fights, they use their body weight to unbalance their opponent. They use their foes power against them, like how a staff is used. An I can also hide some things inside it," I explained.

He nodded as he went back to watching me work.

Bruce POV

I walked down the hall carrying metallic samples that fury wanted me to study how each worked against different scenarios. As I walked into the lab assigned to our team I noticed Ember sitting at her table frantically scribbling away in a large sketch book. I raised an eye brow, putting my samples on my desk, and walked over to Tony. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing, just watching Wolfie make her own weapon to help her when she goes on a mission with us sometime." He explained, turning his attention to me. I raised an eyebrow, I honestly thought she would only work in the lab, not out in the field. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. She was a tall girl, only a few inches shorter then me, and didn't seem out of shape. But I still felt slightly concerned, why I had no idea.

I turned away and started my work. I took a dropper and put a few drops of acid onto the sample, an watched it slightly corrode it.

Ember's POV

Once finished with my design, I decided to go get the material for my prototype. I looked up an saw Bruce turning his head to look away, or at least I think he was looking away. I mentally shrugged and walked towards the door when suddenly it opened to reveal Fury.

"Oh hello, Nick, what's up?" I asked. The others looked up from their work. "Hello Ember, I was coming to inform you and the others that you are all needed for a mission. We've got information on Hydra that they are currently designing a weapon and are working on making their own super soilder," he informed. I nodded sitting on the counter, "Like Steve?"

"Yes, but they are working to try and make a improved version. All we know is that they are running tests on animals, so it would be wise if you went along," he stated. Bruce turned his full attention to Fury, "So is this undercover or a infiltration mission?"

"We are planning on sending a small team in and when the rest of us attack they quickly grab the information we need and dash out of there. The small team with consist of Ember and two other agents."

"Wait, Ember's weapon isn't finished, are you sure its a good idea to send her in without something?" Bruce asked with a concerned look. I smiled putting a hand on my hip, "Bruce, I may be a newbie on the team, but I can fight, if need be." He nodded in agreement, "If your sure."

"Ember won't have to leave for another month, since we have to make your undercover identity. Until your needed, I suggest talking with Agent Romanoff and Tony about some sparring practice." Fury suggested as he walked out.

Tony smiled, "This is going to be fun."

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