chpt 12

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   One day, after finishing lunch, I was greeted by Andrew, "Hey, beautiful," as he and his sister Amy sat beside me. I just smiled, an replied, "Hi," as I continued to write the notes on my previous experiments. "What you doing?" Amy curiously asked.

"Writing notes," I answered without looking up.
"But, didn't you already write your report?" She asked.
"Yeah, but this is for my own safe keeping, just in case something gets lost an I need to fill out another," I fibbed, an looked up. Both wore normal clothes, Amy a black ACMC shirt an skinny jeans and Andrew in a plain black tshirt an ripped jeans, unlike everyone else I've seen here who wore dull colored slacks, shirts, an a lab coat.
  "Sounds boring," he commented as he scooted closer to my side. I only rolled my eyes, "Well not all work is fun." I stated as I started to continue writing.

  "Want to have some," he inquired in a smooth voice. I raised my eyebrow in question, "have fun I mean, like a date at the cafe downstairs," he corrected himself. I put my pencil down, an thought for a moment. "It might be a good way to get information on other Hydra activities, an it's not like a regular 'date' date, it's just being friendly to get information. It's not like I'm cheating on Bruce or anything..." I quickly thought to myself.

   "Alright, sure. What's the plan then?" I said with a hopefully convincing smile. Andrew instantly squooted closer to my side, an I smiled slightly. "Ok, meet me at the north elevator tomorrow at the end of shift, it's going to blow your mind," he whispered in my 'ear' before he quickly got up and left, pulling his sister in tow, who currently gave me a sad look. As they left I rolled my eyes and continued writing my notes.

   Hours later I sat in my small apartment that was given to me by Hydra. Each employee was given one, though some had a roommate. I was lucky enough to get my own room. "Hydra employees told minimal about what current experiment results will help with, found an minimal amount of hazardous chemicals being used. Tonight will investigate the lower level corridor," I stated in a whisper, holding my earring microphone in front of me, as if I was examining it.

  As soon as I finished the report I instantly walked casually outside, looking for any nearby persons. I quickly found none in my emediate area an made a silent dash for the elevator. I quickly enter pressed the level I needed, then the password needed to enter that restricted hall. Earlier in the week I had managed to swipe the password from an unexpected scientist who I knew worked down there, distracting them with some poor attempts at flirting while I snatched his password he some reason kept in his pocket.

   Once down there I silently crept through the halls, stepping lightly to not make any sounds. My eyes flickered quickly as I walked, ears twitching, still covered by the modified gadgets. Slinking close to the wall, i peered around the end of the hall, towards the end of the hall. I could hear someone talking with another but the only words i could make out was, "Modified..... Gnome...severe side effects....." that alone made me apprehensive. Silently i creeped towards the room, only hearing the sound of clicking keys on a computer as one of the employees took notes, an the whining of a unknown source.

  Once I was near the door way, crouched in the door's shadow, I suddenly noticed something off. The scents. They were not normal. I could smell heavy unnaturally modified canines, large felines, and even... human. They smelled only similar to any unaltered creature, but with a strong dose of testosterone, adrenaline, an countless other bodily chemicals. I feared the worse.

   I had to see what they were doing to these animals.

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