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Today was just a average slow day in the Shield head quarters building. All the employees worked on daily reports on missions, activities of people of interest, or trained down in the gym. The Avenger team members were all accounted for, inside the building. Steve and Clint were giving each other tips on each of their different styles, Bruce and Tony took turns doing small assignments given to them by Fury and doing their own experiments, and Thor was grabbing some poptarts out of the vending machine. Natasha sat on a sofa helping a new agent fill out mission reports in the lounge. Suddenly the speakers overhead crackled, signaling complete silent through out the building. 'Avengers please come to board room 7-27-97 in 20 minutes for a meeting' said Agent Fury's voice. The speaker clicked off, the team finished up what they were each doing, and everyone else returned to their work.

**15 minutes later in room 7-27-97 brought to you by 9th Doctor and Tardis.---

"Anyone know what this meetings about?" questioned Tony Stark who sat at the table with his feet on the table.
"No, but maybe it's about that explosion that made the fire alarms go off because of the smoke last week." replied Steve.
"It's not my fault that the chemicals exploded when I mixed them together!" he argued. Clint chuckled in the corner as he leaned against the wall.

"What?" Tony asked Clint as he ate some Starburst he had kept in his pocket. "Nothing," Clint replied with a small grin. Tony rolled his eyes as Nick Fury entered the room.

"Avengers, your probably wondering what this meeting is all about." He started in a clear monotone voice. Tony quickly said as he sat up, "If it's about the explosion it is not my fault, some one switched the chemicals around!"
"No but now that you mention that, you owe SHIELD a new computer that your 'little' explosion broke." Bruce chuckled lightly at Nick's comment.

"No its about a new addition to the team. Now that Mr. Odin is kind enough to let us borrow the Tesserec for scientific research we've thought about adding additional muscle in protection of said object, the person will also help expand the research of it with DNA."

The team exchanged looks silently before Steve asked, "Who is this man?" "Yeah," Thor agreed. Fury chuckled slightly, "The person is actually, sort of, a women." Natasha smiled slightly, "About time we got more girls on this team." "Wait, what do you mean by 'sort of a women' anyway?" Tony asked after a few moments.

Fury looked to Tony an answered, "I was just going to explain Mr. Stark. Now she is a different sort of person. She had a accident in her lab around 5 years ago while she was doing a DNA experiment an accidentally caused an explosion, an changed due to the said DNA. It caused her body to change and she developed certain attributes to her physic." Everyone glanced at each other, unsure what to think.

Steve was the first to speak, "Well when do we meet her?" Fury answered quickly, "Right now actually." He turned to the door and walked out partially and spoke to someone. He turned and introduced, "Avengers, meet Ms. Ember June Frame."

He stepped to the side revealing a tall curvy women wearing a purple baseball cap, a violet sweatshirt over a gray t-shirt, ripped jeans, and tan boots. Her hair was brown with strange grey an silver highlights, gold tips, and black roots.

"Ummm Hi, I'm Ember your new DNA specialist."

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