chpt. 11

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We arrived at the HYDRA base 5 hours later, taking several dirt roads surrounded by thick forests of trees. Sophia, the agent I met at the airport, didn't talk much beyond were I would be stationed an the scientists I would be working with. I was going to be working in a fully stocked laboratory with four other people.

The oldest of the four was Dr. Grace Pond, a rather cranky but loyal to Hydra scientist , a major in bio science an minor in Environmental science.

Next was the middle age man Dr Robert Whiskers who seemed to always have a smile on his face that he constantly spread to every person he was near. A very kind an chatty person with red hair an, like the name implies, whispered chin. A major in DNA an it's formation an changes through history.

An last pair was Amy and Andrew Edwards, identical twins who loved sharing their opinions. They were only 3 years older than me, Amy a major in paternal DNA an Andrew in agricultural.

Beyond that, I was going to meet complete strangers an had to be careful about getting close.

The Hydra base was a 2 story building on the edge of a large clearing. My instincts instincts told me to be alert, an once outside the vehicle I instantly smelt something that wreaked of chemicals and other substances being tested. It was so bad I had to fight the urge to shudder an vomit. Luckily, I managed to hold it in.

We were greeted by a young dark haired man who must have been the one who was in charge of instructing me about where, how, and what I was to work on. "I'm Albert, your information handler, please follow me," he stated as he lead the way. He lead us quickly to an elevator, "you will be stationed on floor 7, in lab A," he said as the elevator started it's slow decent. "Your personal quarters is in floor 10 room 35, you will be sharing it with your Co-worker, Amy Delbert," he continued, all in the same breathe.

"7 A, Lab; 10-35 bed room, got it." I said with a nod. As we exited the elevator he handed me a file, "your work assignments for the next month is in that folder, along with a map of the entire buildings, an you are not allowed to enter or question floor 12," he continued as he lead the way to my assigned lab.

"Why am I not allowed to enter floor 12? Is it under construction or something?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's classified, just some important government work, it's all need to know, and you don't need to," was the answer I got from the strange man. I only nodded, I assumed I shouldn't question too much in case it got too obvious that I was searching for answers.

The rest of the walk was silent until we finally came to lab A, a large an well equipped lab that offered everything a hungry researcher would need, an more. "This is your lab, your first assignment is on page 2 in your folder. All I need is for you to sign here," Albert said, holding up a clip board an paper. I swiftly signed it with the black pen hanging on the clip board, an turned to greet the others.

Time skip---

I currently stood with a small tray of skin cell sample with a bottle of a chemical mixture a different department made for me to test beside it. I started , measuring out the chemical to 1/5 ml, an applying it gently to the skin sample. After words I placed it under a microscope, an examined the changes to the sample.

Basically put, the chemical caused the sample to grow, but seconds after it reached twice it's original size, the sample quickly started to turn black and degrade into ash. I quickly wrote down the results onto the notepad currently on my lap. I sighed, 'this is going to be a long mission' I thought to myself.

For the next few months I continued the experiments, slightly tweaking the reports end results enough so that they believed almost all the chemicals I was testing could not be used on living subjects, an the ones they believed worked were only improving the samples to a minimum of faster healing.

I sat at my assigned desk, filling out my experiment reports for the week. My lab partners where currently working on their's as well, leaving the room in complete silience due to Dr. Grace's demand for a professional work environment. As I continued to write everything down, I heard a chair scoot across the floor, towards me, as I turned my head, I saw Andrew scooting in his chair over.

"Hey gorgeous," he flirted with a wink. "Hello Dr Edwards," I replied with a small smile, before turning to my work. "Got to hate paper work, huh?" He whispered. "Mmhmm" I hummed in agreement. "So, how's your work going, genetics, right?" He inquired. "Yep, and its going slow and steady, routine," I said as I turned my head to glance at him.

"More like dull, I mean I want to help foreign poor countries strengthen their crops but this testing results stuff is so boring. What is this information going towards anyway? Food and animal mutation?" He said as he twirled a pen in his hand. I shrugged, "Maybe, they could be trying to mutate them so they are more resilient against disease and insects," I said turning to fully face him.

"Maybe, but what could this huge company want that for? Normally they are in it for the money, not to save humanity," he proclaimed. "How should I know? Grace has been here for decades, ask her," I answered. Suddenly, at the sound of her name, Dr. Grace turned towards us an made a demanding, "Ssshhh!!"

I rolled my eyes, turned back to my deck an continued to finish my report. "Speak of the devil, an she shall appear," Andrew whispered as he went back to his desk, which earned him a glare from the strict scientist. I couldn't hold in the small chuckle in my throat at his ridiculous snipe.

Back at Tony Stark's tower Bruce was currently trying to work on a experiment Tony asked for help with. But nothing was going right for Bruce. A extra arm piece of Tony's iron man suit currently laid above the table, on top of three stands. "Bro, hand me the blowtorch an tongs," Tony asked as he mixed the mystery chemicals together. Bruce simply nodded an turned to rummage through Tony's huge tool box. The tool was quickly found an as he turned to give the said tool to his waiting friend, his arm brushed the nearby beaker stand. The beakers, filled with Tony's mystery solution, fell forwards off the counter and onto the dark blue carpet flooring.

"Hey!" Yelled a annoyed billionair, who's shoes where now melting from the concoction that splashed onto them. He quickly slid the ruined sneakers off an threw them into the 'contaminated' trash bin. "What's with you man?! You've been in lala land for the past week, what's wrong with you?!" Tony yelled as he turned to accuse Bruce who's hand was currently covering his face in annoyance at his own clumsiness.

  "You've been like this for a week and grumpy since Ember left for her assignment!! Why are you acting like someone put a snake in your shorts?" Tony accused when his friend remained quiet. "It's nothing alright," he answered as he lowered his hands, clenching them and his jaw as he turned to leave.

  Tony stood silent for a few moments thinking as he watched his friend walk out the door. Suddenly it clicked, an he jogged after Bruce. "Your scared for her, arn't you? For Ember," Tony said, the question more of a statement and when his partner in science sighed, he knew he was right. Bruce turned to face him, a flicker of fear obvious in his eyes. "She can take care of herself, she can fight almost as good as Red, you should see the recording of Ember training. She may not have as much strength as Captain, but she moves fast and knows where to hit." Tony reassured him as he walked over, placing a hand on Bruce's shoulder.

  "Yeah, your right," Bruce said as he took a calming breathe. "When am I ever wrong? Actually don't answer that," Tony teased, trying to lighten the mood. Bruce only gave a small smile and shook his head as Tony walked back into the lab, walking not far behind. "By the way, do you think your ship name should be? Brumber or Emruce? Or maybe Baname, if we used last names?" Tony randomly asked as he walked to his computer. "Seriously, Tony?" Bruce answered, as he went to grab the nutrulizing counter chemical to treat the almost forgotten chemical burn in the rug.

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