chpt. 9

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  I stood inside my bedroom, staring at the outfit I was to wear while I was under cover as Emily Clawson, a newly graduated human genetics specialist. I had to wear a knee length brown skirt, a loose fitting blue shirt, a special pair of glasses with built in camera, and a pair of earings with a special ear piece built in. To say I was nervous was an under statement, I mean sure I could act, but what if I froze and screwed up the entire mission for me an the other 2 agents.

   Later, I stood in front of the mirror, hardly recognizing myself with my wolf ears hidden amongst my pinned up hair with fake regular ears attached where they once were. I sighed when suddenly I heard a sharp knock on the door an yelled, "Come in, I'm in my bedroom, Nat!" Natasha soon walked in, "How'd you know it was me?" She questioned.

   I smirked, "What? The great spy nervous that she's loosing her edge?" She just gave me a rare smile as we both giggled. "I heard your vehicle drive up," I finally answered.

  After a few minutes of conformable silence she asked, "Nervous?" I could only nod. So many thoughts ran through my head that I could hardly think straight.

  "I understand, first missions are nerve racking. Always scared you'll blow your cover or make a bad move. Don't worry, the others agents are there to help you out," she said trying to reassure me. I just sighed, "But what if they get hurt because of me? If I say the wrong thing an their cover is blown?" I said as more possibilities ran though my head faster then I could speak.

  "Hey, calm down. I'm sure you'll do fine, an if you need help there will be a agent on stand by. Just keep the hidden ear piece in your earings on an you'll be fine," she said once she noticed me beginning to wring my hands. I sighed, feeling slightly better now, still scared but not as bad. "Thanks, Natasha,"I said in a more calm voice.

   She smirked, "well, don't want to become the only girl in the Avengers again." I chuckled rolling my eyes, "Yeah, don't want you to go through that kind of torture, no woman would ever completely recover."  We both laughed, her trying to cover her mouth an me sitting on my bed.

   After she recovered she casually pulled out three large pieces of strange looking flimsy material. "Fury wanted me to give you some altered Photostatic Veil*, or nano mask. It's used to make you look like someone else, even mask your voice, but Fury did a special project to make it instead hide things, like your ears an tail. He asked me to show you how to apply it," she explained. I just raised an eyebrow.

  "It can really do that? Wow, wish I had this a long time ago."

  "I can believe that," she commented as she grabbed my arm to pull me to the mirror. I only groaned, not sure if I wanted something on my sensitive ears an tail. As soon as I stood before the mirror above my dresser she held out two of the pieces for me to hold as she showed me how to apply it along my ears through my reflection.

"So is it hard to remove or fall off," I questioned, trying to distract myself so I didn't move my ears away on instinct. "Well yes and no, it won't fall off easily without voice command but can be removed without that if a person touches the edge where it is loose. But I'm sure it will be fine," she said as she applied the cool nanogram material to one ear an watch me attempt to apply it to the other.

After a few failed attempts, either applying the material too loose or not covering all of the ear, I managed to figure out how to apply it. We then worked on attaching the largest piece along my tail, which made it feel almost heavy. Afterwords I looked myself over in my mirror, taking in my new look.

   It instantly took my breathe away to see myself looking normal, like I had before that idiotic accident that gave me wolf like limbs. Besides the strange long nails an slightly long canines I looked actually normal. "I hardly recognized myself, I almost look, normal. Besides the obvious different fashion sense ofcourse," I stated. Natasha chuckled slightly, "More like boring, your actual appearance is more interesting in my opinion," she mused.

   I only smiled and tightly hugged my friend. "Thanks, Nat," I said as I pulled away. "No problem," she replied, "we should head to HQ now though so we can check to see if there is any last minute information on the location your stationed.

   I simply nodded, quickly grabbing my suit case, and put out extra food an water for my wolf pair. Then quickly walked out the door an jumped into Natasha's car.

*Photostatic Veil is seen on the show, 'Agents of Shield'

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