chpt 2

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I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face after hearing Thor's compliment, "Thanks." My eyes traveled around the room, and came to rest on a man with dark brown, slightly greying, hair. I quickly looked away, trying to hide the blush that was appearing across my face.

"I suppose we should introduce ourselves, I'm Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America." The tall muscular honey blonde man said, shaking hands with me. I smiled at his polite tone.

"I'm Tony Starks, aka Iron Man, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist . Also I'm free any time if you want some private muscle training" I smirked as Tony introduces himself an flirts.

The Man wearing sleeveless shirt and vest who had a bow on his back walked forward offering his hand to shake which I excepted, "I'm Clint, or Hawkeye. Call me which ever."

The man with long blonde hair walked over holding his hand out, "I'm Thor, son of Odin," I placed my hand on his hand to shake, and was amazed by his grip.

The tall red head in a black full body suit walked over smiling, "Boys, stop flirting with the new girl." I chuckled at this under my breathe. "I'm Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow."

Tony looked towards the only one who hasn't spoken, "Bruce, are you going to introduce yourself to the new cute girl?" He rolled his eyes and walked over, "Hi, I'm Bruce Banner also known as Hulk when the other guy appears." I nodded, "I read one of your articles, your work is amazing."

He half smiled at my comment, and seemed slightly uncomfortable. I smile and then remember something, "oh, I forgot to introduce my family." I quickly walked to the door again and as I walked to it Tony say, "What you have a boyfriend or something?" I chuckled lightly an replied, "No, I'm single," as I opened the door to reveal the large wolf, Snowpaw, and her pup, Firefang, who ran in to stand by my side.

"No, No! I don't want wild dog crap anywhere in my building!" Tony yelled when they ran in. I chuckled, "Tony, these two 'wolves' are just as smart as you, they won't hurt anything in your precious tower." I informed him and the others.

Thor smiled, looking at the two wolves, "Where did you get these two canines? How did you train them?"

"I met them in the forest near where I had my, well incident, and I learned from them. After I obviously freaked out at first, we became friends and she let me join her pack." I informed them. "Joined her pack? What do you mean?" Bruce questioned me as he removed his glasses.

"Well long story short, they found me cowering in the forest, came up to me slowly, and helped me calm down. I learned some things from them and helped each other." I explained as I patted Snowpaws head. "They are quite strange, wolves themselves are pretty large but they were bigger then even most other breeds."

"Interesting," Bruce muttered as he watched Firefang run up to Clint, barking his introduction. "So, if you don't mind me asking, this incedent, what happened to you at it?" "You mean how was I affected?" I asked which Bruce simply nodded his response.

I simply smiled, "I'll show you I guess." the Avengers watched me curiously as I moved to stand in the center of the room. I then simply took off my purple baseball cap as I removed my sweatshirt. I then simply stood there, revealing to the team my brown with blonde highlights wolf tail and ears. It was also easier for them to see I had slightly longer, an a bit thick, nails. An as I shyly smiled, revealing my teeth, they also saw my two slightly more developed canines.

My eyes where casted to the floor as I waited for a response from them. "Wow, that's unexpected," Tony said in a surprised voice. I blushed as I continued to gaze at the floor, "A few days after the accident I started developing the ears and tail, among other things..."

"What else?" Asked the blonde alien. "Well... I can smell the stash of liquor in the desk over there," I said as I pointed towards the desk located against the far wall.

"Wow," Tony said as he went to move his now discovered hiding place. Bruce chuckled as he tried to hide his small smile, he must have known about it but didn't want to bust his friend. "Yeah, I now have the heightened sense of smell equivalent to a wolf, along with hearing." I said as I flicked my ears to the side.

"That's pretty cool!" Clint said as he played with Firefang. I smirked, "yeah, well its not all sun shine and roses. If my emotions or instincts get too strong I can go almost feral. I will often attack and my body changes a little. My eyes change color, I grow a little bit of fur in places, and my fangs grow slightly." I looked at my feet again as I let that sink in, I didn't want any unnecessary secrets about my abilities with these people.

"So like a werewolf, almost?" asked Bruce. I nodded, "except for the full moon transformations, and I only change most of the time if I, or something I care deeply for, are at the moment threatened."

Fury smirked, "Yeah, or if you scare her so tone down on the pranks Tony."

I chuckled, "yeah but I have to be dang near freaked out."

"So, your going to do DNA research with the Tesserec, why?" Tony asked. "Well," I started, "Fury believes that the Tesserec could be used to fix curtain DNA birth defects and possibly early cancer."

"You sure he doesn't want to use it as a new bio weapon? Cause I heard they once tried that." Stated Clint. I raised an eyebrow, "He never mentioned that, but I did ask actually an he said no they were not, and I believe him."

Tony curiously asked, "Wait, why? He is a special agent, aren't they trained to lie almost flawlessly? How do you know he is telling the truth?"

"Well, I've known him since before he joined SHIELD so I know when he lies, the agency did cover it up pretty well though so you can only know if he's lying if you really know him," I informed with a chuckle as Fury looked away with an eye roll.

"So, where is my station?" I ask with a tail twitch.

Here's the next chapter, sorry it took so long. Senior year keeps me busy, but I'll try to update when possible.

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