chpt 3

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I stood in front of my desk as I analyzed the Tesserec, wearing a lab coat, safety glasses, gloves, and my baseball hat. I knew I could take it off but people who work in the building still stare so I at least hide my ears, even if it caused them to itch. I picked up a large glass eyedropper that sat on the table and gently tried to extract the energy surrounding the alien object. It slowly started to suck in the dark energy, but as soon as I got a 1/4 of it filled I was interrupted by the door of the lab opening and a loud, "Hey wolfie, how's your researcher going?" From the owner of the lab, Tony.

We had decided to move everything to Stark tower so that there would be 'less' distractions and explosions from agents returning to headquarters with a unexpected guest. I believe Tony just wants to watch all research since he doesn't like SHIELD, but I don't blame him.

I gasped with surprise as Tony barged in which caused me to drop the eyedropper which broke into large pieces. I exhaled in annoyance, I was nervous enough working with something so powerful that it could create a portal to another galaxy. "Oh, did I scare you? Sorry," Tony said with a nervous shrug as he walked in holding a cup of coffee with Bruce behind him giving me a apologetic looking.

"It's fine, did you get me anything?" I asked as I tried to calm my nerves. "Yeah, I got you some water, thought you might get thirsty since you've been setting up a extreme protection thing for your experiment." He said with a shrug as he places a tall plastic bottle of water on the table across from me. "Thanks," I said as I picked up the broken glass carefully and examined it. I could see tiny veins of black where the energy caused the glass to shift and corrode.

"Dr. Banner, do you know of any ways I could extract the energy from the Tesserec safely without breaking my tools?" I asked him as I walked towards him showing him the tainted glass. "Did you try plastic ones, or fiber glass?" He asked. I nodded,"It caused the plastic to melt and the glass to turn black and shatter. It's like it is too hot or powerful for common materials to hold."

"Interesting," he said as he took a piece of glass and placed it under a microscope to examine. He spent several minutes studying it. As he studied it I took the other pieces and put them into a plastic bag for later study.

I sat in a chair facing the tesserec as I pulled the protective gloves off an removed the googles. I let out a frustrated sigh, glaring at it, and I tried to think. I needed to find a material that could withstand its powers and still remove the energy. I could try a type of vaccum suction and use a thicker type of plexy glass, or maybe- I thought but was interrupted by Tony. "You should take a break, you've been working all day on this. Your too tense," I chuckled, "usually I get results before I take a break, Mr Stark."

"Call me Tony, and I think that your over thinking every thing." Smiled Tony. "The radiation surrounding the Tesserecc is most likely made of radioactive atoms, and the atoms are giving off beta particles like crazy, probably more then usual," Bruce said as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Yeah, but what do I know, radiation isn't my speciality." Tony said. I stood up, "That's it!!" I nearly shouted, I quickly stepped over to Tony, wrapped him in a hug and kissed Bruce's cheek after his quick hug. "Thanks Tony and Bruce!" I yelled as I dashed out of the lab to find a tool. "Wait, for what?" He questioned. I just chuckled, as I ran off. Leaving a confused Tony and a wide eyed Bruce.

Sorry for the long wait, school is keeping me busy. Senior year and stuff. An yeah, Ember is very excitable when she gets an idea.

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