chpt 8

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   Crack!! Snap! Went my staff as I hit the dummy, dodging imaginary punches as I smacked the dummy with it. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face, I must look ridiculous. Eventually I sighed, slowing my movements to a stop, slowing my breathing. As I turned to grab my towel and water I saw Bruce watching me. I gave a tired smile an took a gulp of water while I dried my face.

  "Your pretty good with that thing, where did you learn how to fight?" He asked as he walked over. " I used to be in Tae Kwon Do as a child, wanted to be able to fight for myself so I didn't need my parents all the time. I loved it but eventually had to quit due to school taking up too much time," I explained as I stretched.

  "Neat," he said as he watched me jump off the practice matt. I smiled as I finished drying off, "So what's up? I'm sure you came down here for a reason other than to watch me sweat." He nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked away. "Well, I was just wanting to check up on you, make sure your still ok with... well, dating a monster."

As soon as he said the words, I grit my teeth hard an glared. "Bruce just stop. You are not a monster. Would a monster feel guilty for what they have done? Or try to make ammends for the things he has done?" I questioned. He just gave me a sad look.

  We were both silent for a few moments, until I stepped forward, dropping my staff, and wrapped my arms around him in a gentle hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist an quietly sighed. "Bruce, you are not a monster, your just a man with strange abilities you can't always control when your emotions become too strong," I whispered into his ear.

  He gave a humorless laugh, "you might change your mind after you actually SEE me turn into the other guy." I pulled away slightly so I could look him in the eye, "I've see the videos that Fury has, I don't think I will." He gave me a sad smile in response. "But you haven't seen him in person."

   Suddenly we heard a cough behind me an turned towards a stern looking, but slightly pink cheeked, young agent holding a mission folder. "Mr. Fury ordered that I give you this mission overview, an inform you that you leave for Hydra in 24 hours," he said. I nodded stepping away from Bruce, "umm Thanks, I'll be there."

   "Your welcome, ma'am," he said as he left.

   I sighed once he left the room, "I guess I better get ready then." I turned to grab my bag an leave but Bruce grabbed my arm before I got far. "Be careful," Bruce stated when I turned back to him. I smiled gently and raised my hand to his cheek, an whispered "I'll try." I swiftly kissed him and walked out the door, holding his hand as he walked me out the front door of Stark Tower.

Short ik, sorry. :-/

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