chpt 7

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The next day I returned to Stark tower and worked on building my new staff, and was currently welding the metal required for my staff an its few secret compartments. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Tony watching me with a curious glint in his eye.

"OK Wolfie, what's with the full blown grin and wagging tail?" He inquired when I put down my tools and lifted the face shield. I blushed slightly and answered, "Just happy, had a wonderful evening out with a good friend." Tony's eyebrows instantly raised, "Do I know this 'friend'?" I looked at my hands blushing, "Maybe."

"That's definitely a yes, so who is it? Capsicle? The agent?" He inquired quickly. "N-no, I'm not telling you," I quickly answered as I turned back towards my staff and pretended to examine it. Tony obviously wouldn't give up, so he walked to the end of my table to continue to question me. "Don't tell me its Fury!" He exclaimed. I just continued to try an attach the drawer hinges.

   Tony was quiet for a while as he watched my facial expressions and tried to figure who was left. Suddenly he realized, "Wait, don't tell me it's Bruce!" I tried to keep my face straight, but failed miserably when my face turned slightly red. "What about me?" Bruce inquired as he walked in carrying various instruments he needed for his own research.

   I was trying to work but my fingers seemed to no longer work so I just glared at my tools, like they were a the best thing ever. "Just trying to get Wolfie to spill her guts about your date last night, but since she seems too embarrassed to answer, I'll ask you. So did you make out?" Tony summarized to Bruce. I quickly risked a glance at Bruce who was slightly blushing, but was still looking Tony in the face. Unlike me.

   "Tony, all I am going to say is that it is not any of your business," Bruce answered with a slightly glare.

"Come on, we're science bros, you have to give me the details," Tony pressed on as he rummaging through his drawer of metal an circuit. I sighed trying to tune him out an consentrate on tightening the screw on the compartment hinge. Sadly, Tony would not give up.

   "So wolfie, kind curious about if your wolf mutation is just the ears, tail, and senses. Do you have anything else canine like? Like seasonal things, or protective towards certain others?" He asked as he tinkered with a robot he was making.

   "Well, my emotions are a bit more intense, sometimes anyway. An I am protective at times probably, why? Stop beating around the bush," I answered as I picked up my staff testing the balance, noticing that one end was slightly heavier.

  Tony smirked bigger an said, "Well I was just curious about if you shared the same biological traits of canines." Instantly I dropped my staff, ears feeling warm and face turning scarlet.

  I turned my wide gaze to Tony, "I am not going to tell you if go into heats or if I still have human menstrual cycles, Tony. Not now or ever!" 

"Oh come on Ember, it's just a simple question." He grinned at how red I was getting.

  "Tony! It's personal leave her alone," Bruce glared from his station with a notable light blush on his face.

  "Oh fine, your no fun! I just wanted to see how embarrassed I can get her," he chuckled. I glanced over to Bruce after Tony gave up and mouthed thank you an he gave me a small smile before returning to work.


-a few hours later-

   I finally finished building my staff an was currently putting a small roll of cloth around it where I would mostly hold on to it for padding. Once finished I smiled and started twirling it slowly, feeling the weight.

  "Be careful with that, might break something in here," Bruce said as he wrote down information on his current project. I rolled my eyes and held my staff at my side.

   "I'm going to go practice a bit, I'll be in Tony's gym, k?" I said as I left the room. "Alright," Bruce said, keeping his gaze on his paperwork.

   short ik, but it will get better soon


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