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OMG !! I'm sooo sorry that we didn't publish ANYTHING for ages !!! But yeah we will write (hopefully) more ...
Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter (btw its after all sing 'Crecimos juntos' at the wedding) Lena:

After all sing together it was time for the wedding speeches... All sit at a big table and Germans best man ( Ramallo) wanted to stand up to hold his speech but Olga scream- I WAS THE FIRST WHO SAID THAT THEY GET TOGETHER SO I'M THE FIRST WHO SAYS SOMETHING- all starts laughing except from Ramallo he was a bit scared. So Olga cough and starts talking- My little Angeles I'm so glad that you never stops loving this coward...- German looks a bit angry but Angie just laughs and give him a kiss on the cheek..- Senior German don't look at me like this because you know its true !! Anyway how I said at the beginning I knew from the first moment this - she pointed at the love birds who were staring at each other- I saw how you were talking to each other and I know that there is something... and now you are happy married and I'M SO DAMN HAPPY FOR YOU !!- All starts laughing again but now Pablo stand up and said- Okay I think I have to disappoint you Olga because I was the one who said 3 years ago that Angie end up with German in a wedding dress and now we are here.. Angie in a wedding dress. German I have to admit that I wasn't a big fan from you... I just never realised that Angie needs you and only you. There was a time where I thought I'm the one but I found someone who needs me more than you, Angie- he looks at Brenda and smiles and continue- But that is not the point now... What I wanted to say was that I'm glad that you two found each other and I hope for you that you will treat her good- He sit down and German grab Angies hand- I promise Pablo...- Angie nearly cry so Violetta jump from her sit and starts her speech- Angie...mum... before you starts crying its my turn to say something. After you stepped the first time in our house you changed everything... Without you I would never sing or dance and dad ... uuhh I don't wanna know what would happened when dad wouldn't know you so thanks for being there for me and dad.- Angie couldn't hold it back anymore and starts crying - Thank you all so much for this beautiful words ...- but before Angie could say more Jade scream- WAIT !! I wanna say something too... Angie first of all I'm sorry that I always treat you like shit but the truth is that I was jealous... jealous that you could be so strong and normal... yeah strong you are the strongest woman I have ever met. You was never mean to me even I was like...a witch. You were even nice to me after you discovered that I hired Esmeralda !! So I wanna say thank you and I'm happy for you - Now Angie stood up and hug Jade... - Thank you again for all these words but I wanna tell you a story... especially to you, German... my love, my life, my everything: It was in France and how you all know I was broken before I go to France and I still was when I was in France... It was a hard time for me but one day I thinked about you, German. I thought about how you tried to get close to me 2 years ago and how we get closer... I realised that I couldn't live without you and made a plan... I threw everything away from my old life and bought new clothes and stuff like that. Than I come back and you avoids me. I try again and again and ignore your cowardness... I ignore that you were with Prici ...even it broke me again and again... Than I realise how bad she is and try harder... In the end I stood here and tell you this at our wedding... German you make me feel complete and for that I love you.-

German stand up too, go to her, say to her- I love you too, angel- and kiss her.

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