Dancing in heaven

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There was a party at the Castillos house, and it was one hell of a party... there was beautiful live classic music playing and wonderful food. All the women had beautiful gala dresses and all men were in suits ,it was just like a dream party ... it was a shame that it was organized by such a horrible person.
Priscilla Ferro was always giving wonderful and chic party's, maybe thats the reason why she was always marring millionaires, this time it was German Castillo who had fallen in her tricks.
What she didnt know is that that man actually had his eyes laid on someone else...

Everyone was dancing and chatting happily. But German wasn't, he was just standing there admiring the beautiful woman who was standing there waiting for someone to ask her to dance.
- My love can i go buy some more champaign??? - priscillas voice said.
But he barely heard it, he had only eyes for the stunning girl at the other said of the room.
- yes yes shore!- he replayed shortly and casually.
He just stood there staring at her dreaming about asking her to dance ...
He new it was wrong because he had a girlfriend and she was his sister-in-law ...
- why dont you go ask her ???- a voice said
German turned around and saw Ramallo, Olga and Violetta standing behind him looking from him to the girl !!!
- You know i cant!!!!- he replayed
- Does it matter who you are to each other for once ??? You love her and Angie loves you !!!! - Vilu said.
Angie... even her name is stunning... German thought.
- Dont be such a cowered Mr. German !!!!- Olga said clopping him on his back.
Auch that hurts!!!
German thought for a moment...
- Maybe your three are right, i should go ask her... after all...its just a dance...- he said onshore.
Violetta pushed him towards Angie, German looked behind his back to Violetta who gave him thumbs.
Here it goes...- he thought.

German came up to Angie. she was just taking a glass of water when he touched her shoulder.
- German ???- she asked surprised, and smiled at him
- ehhh hey- he said awkwardly- ehhh you look ... You look stunning - he said smiling at her. she blushed and looked down.
- You look cute when you blush- he said now with a more confident smile.
She slowly looked up at him with a shy smile. They started to look in to each others eyes and they stood there like this silent for some minutes when German decided to break the ice. He took all his courage and stuttered:
- ehhh...would you...i mean if you dont mind....ehhh....like to...ehhh...
Angie giggled and finished:
- I would love to dance with you!!!!!
German looked surprised and smiled as he took her waist with one hand and the other hand in hers.

They started dancing and all Angie could think of was the magic feeling this man gave her in said ....it was like it was only them two on the dance floor and the party vanished, it was like dancing in heaven.
They didnt see how the other couples started to leave the dance floor impressed by German and Angie. And it was amazing, they looked like two professional dancers at the finale of a big battle, like a price and a princes hopeless in love. At last they were the only two at the dance floor and everyone else was just staring at this perfect couple. But the two love birds didnt even saw what had happened around them and just danced in there one heaven were they could be together without anyone judging them or any obstacles. When the song ended, Angie was lying in Germans arms and they were looking in to each others eyes no one said a word and they didnt even heard the clapping around them. Angie slowly got up, without leaving Germans eyes. At this moment German got all his courage together and kissed the love of his life.


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