Dance Party

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The studio was working on a show to get more money, and there were evan some new sponsors coming.....because after the death of Antonio.....they lost a lot of money.....
But this time they wanted something Angie got an idea:

A- What about a dance party after the show???
Gg- How do you mean ???
A- Well we put on some music and everyone can start dancing ....
Gg- Mmm its interesting, but will YOU prepare everything???
A- I shore will!!- she said with a smile and went out.

____________ Show________________

The show was being perfect, but German wasnt really paying attention. i had bin the hole show staring Angie..... he couldnt help him self....she was perfect..... Angie looked at him and he smiled but she just blew him a kiss, winked and walked away..... this made German crazy...

P- Everything okey my love ????- Priscilla said who was standing next to German.
- Yeah yeah !!! i am fine....
Then the last act left the stage, people started making place and Angie jumped on stage but now with a bit different clothes .... She had a short black dress with glitters, red high heels and her hair was more curly.
A- HEY EVERYONE !!!!- she shouted in to the room- ARE YOU READY TO DANCE ????
Xxxx- YEEEESSS- the hole room shouted back and Angie put on the music
Get on the floor - Jennifer Lopez and started dancing ..... German was hypnotized. Then there eyes crossed and they looked at each other, Angie smiled at him and he couldnt help snile back.
He started walking up to her but she giggled and run away ....
They were outside the studio and Angie kept running with German going after her.
He than cached her up,grabbed her arm, and he spun her around.
She looked up at him with a slight smiled.
A- What are you doing ??
G- No what are YOU doing ???.... Making me crazy all the time ....
Angies smile now got a bit more flirty ...
A- Its not my fault ..... and shouldnt you be with Priscilla???- she asked still flirty.... German got closer to her.
- Yeah....your right, i shouldnt be coming up to you like this- He said now with a handsome/ Flirt smile- i shouldnt kiss you either..... but .... Go to hell all the things i shouldnt do!!!!!
And then he suddenly grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her passionately ..... the music was still playing.... and they could see fire works.

Hey everyone.... sorry for not updating ...but i cant help it ,.... I am lazy .....
I hope you like the chapter, but i think its rubbish .. i had no ideas !!!
Love you alll

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