Cold lips

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The studio had big money problem and Rafa Palmer came to "help" them. But most of the time the only thing he did was flirting and trying to impress Angie. Angie couldn't go anywhere with out him going after her.

German was coming in to the studio when he saw Angie stuck between the wall and Rafa.Rafa closed his eyes and started to lean in to kiss her but Angie got down,escaped and Rafa instead of kissing Angie,he kissed the wall.
In the middle of kissing the wall he said:

R- You...lips...are...very...cold...!!!!!

German looked at Angie who was trying not to laugh watching Rafa. There eyes met and Angie told him silently not to say anything, he winked at her making her smile, and after that she silently went away leaving Rafa with his wall.

---------------------- Later -----------------------

Angie was working in her classroom when German silently came behind her and grabbed her waist.

A- Ohhh no Rafa, not now !!!!- she moaned- go away please !!!!!

G- And if its not Rafa ????- German said playfully.Angie turned around and smiled at him.

A- Then your welcome to stay !!!- she said smiling.

German backed away a bit and asked:

G- soooooo...that earlier with must be really done with him huh ??? its not that... I mean...i would have done it to every man who tried to kiss me like that...

G- You would...??- he asked raising his eyebrow and slowly walking up to her-Are you shore you would do it with EVERY man ???

A- Y-yes i-i think s-so!!!!-she stuttered nervous

He kept on walking closer to her looking straight in to her eyes witch made her weak. He then pushed her against the wall, and she couldn't do anything against it, she was lost in his eyes.
German looked at her lips and whispered :
G- Lets see if your lips are so cold then...-

And kissed her passionately.


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