The door

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<p data-p-id="b109e2268b2fd3a9350087c862caf885">German stand in the stuff room infront of the door. He was deep in thoughts. He thinks about one woman. A woman who always can light up a room when she comes in and smile. He know this woman for three years now and he fall for her in the second when he saw her the first time in her eyes. But he hurted that woman with his stupidness. After he knows her secret he let her go because he was scared... Scared of the past and the future. Because of this fears he dates other women but this women were really awful.. awful to his daughter and to the woman he truely loves. He made many mistakes but he regret all of them. He deny his feelings for 3 years now and now its time to set them free. Suddenly he feel a hard thing at his head and everything went black. This hard thing was the door and the person who opened the door was THE woman who is always in his thoughts. This woman calls Angeles but she prefers Angie. Angie is really scared that something bad happend to him because she loves him too. She was just like him scared but she fall for him too... She trys to ignore her fears...fears about the past and the future but when she ignored it she was hurt by him. She tried to forget him but when she moves on. She need only one look in his eyes and she falls for him again. Now Angie runs too the man who hurt her over and over again and trys to help him. </p>
<p data-p-id="bc5ec55c4336604a8460be1a92ff35c2">A- OMG what should I do now ?? Water ?!?.. no bad idea... Mouth to mouth !!</p>
<p data-p-id="31ed6b375505ffe3dde22cac6ccc17a5">German wake up by this scream but he plays unconscious because he want that she make mouth to mouth. He wants a kiss from her...just like 2 years ago...he played the same game but he got only water in his face...but the day after he got what he wants and that moment was the happiest moment in his life after the birth of his daughter but this is another story. He try to hide his smile because the memory of the kitchen make him always smile. But he failed and smile. Angie noticed it and was a bit angry.</p>
<p data-p-id="2a9608fff76fd9496abe0bddd7378fcd">A- Really German ??? Again ???</p>
<p data-p-id="679130eddc12cbe58de49051f39939d1">She try to be angry at him but she couldn't stay angry at him and laughs. He laughs too but then he get a cheeky smile.</p>
<p data-p-id="a325337143b367c899647b2d6d0c2bee">G- So I see you don't forget the kitchen...</p>
<p data-p-id="eb1f20a71eeea81f23b33b503cc35f25">She blushed and whispered...</p>
<p data-p-id="78c70b0a3a0345d61cb0911192fbed5a">A- How could I ?!? I don't even can forget you so how can I forget the kitchen !??!?!?</p>
<p data-p-id="d59967fd7b92daf8603e6d10a3d3478a">He was surprised but then he realise what she said and smiled at her with lots of love.</p>
<p data-p-id="3e1720cbda5815b1f549bdbfc162cf96">G- Good to hear...</p>
<p data-p-id="7d24a1179a4d9944ab97cd7b1747d180">now she was confused... She thought that he moved on with this 2 bitches but why would he say that its good that she can't forget him...</p>
<p data-p-id="5435b309a99ff02b210c67ab27ec0905">A- Huh ??</p>
<p data-p-id="528484c4b7e9fedc004c3ac24a639432">G- You can't imagine ??</p>
<p data-p-id="14cacd0a0106596cdec329b91782c9b6">A- not really</p>
<p data-p-id="5be3a5b74ffb7ba60dc7c216423b08c7">Now he came closer to her and put a piece of her her hair back and place his hand on her cheek.</p>
<p data-p-id="1ba50d1fdc16bac95e383ed521db6fad">G- Should I show you what I mean ??</p>
<p data-p-id="e0ba934b98c1b9e58fbbd2c326e0142b">She nod shyly and with that he leans in until his lips meet hers.</p>
<p data-p-id="de0fc65e6ccca60e0d0e3b67db9c726d">~ germangie_4ever</p>

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