Video tape

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There was been stolen money from the studio and they had to find out who it was because in other ways the studio have to close. Luckily there was a security camera in room were was the money, witch was Angie's classroom. Maxi took the tape and put it on his computer so they could all see it on a big screen together.

All the students and teachers

( Beto,Gregorio,Angie,German, Jade and Priscilla) were together to see it and Maxi started the video.

It was at night and Angie was working in her classroom. The video hadn't got sound because of Maxis computer.

Then German came in and they started arguing. They were arguing for some time when German all out of sudden kissed Angie. The kiss was hard and very passionate, Angie wrapt her arms around his neck and he pulled her tighter to him by her waist. Angie pushed him away gently and that was when Maxis sound fixed.

A- German... What are we doing ???- Angie asked resting her forehead on his.

G - What we should have done a long time ago ...- he answered- So... can I take you home ???

Angie just smiled and nodded. Then they walked away arm in arm.

The video finished and German and Angie were looking with big eyes at the screen, the rest was just staring at them and here and there you could here hear some gasps but all had a big smile because they knew it would happen someday. That's when Priscilla totally red and furious screamed:


Angie slowly turned to Priscilla and her face was full off guilt and fear.

P-AND YOU !!!!!- Priscilla screamed stepping closer to Angie angrily- HOW YOU DARE YOU STEEL HIM FROM ME !!!!!!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT !!!!!!!-and then she slapped her.

Angie fell at the ground and her cheek was red, Priscilla was about to slap her again when someone grabbed her arm.

G- Dont you dare touch her ...- German groaned.

P- I CANT BELIEVE IT !!!!!!HOW CAN YOU FALL FOR SUCH A UGLY THING LIKE HER ???????!!!!!!!!- Priscilla yelled

G- Dont say that about her !!!! She is the most beautiful, wonderful , kind, funny and nicest person ever !!!!- he hissed and then threw her out of the studio.

Than he ran back to Angie.

G- Are you okey ???- he said helping her up. Angie smiled.

A- Never been better !!!

And they kissed with everyone clapping around them.


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