After the question ...

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The final show in Selvilla ends up perfectly and everyone was happy ... especially German and Angie. Well you know they get engaged and they are in heaven right now.
Now they stood backstage (its still the same evening from the show) in a single corner and talk :

A- I never expected you to ask me. You were always a coward ... - She said playfully.

G- Heyyy !!! I wasn't that terrible !!- He plays hurt and she give him a kiss on the cheek.

Violetta jumps in his back and say to him - Oh yes, you were daddy-

Angie nods and starts laughing because of Germans face.

A- Honey you almost kissed me three times !! and only almost he never did it really-

Violetta was shocked and look at German - Noooo ...!-

A- And this was only this year !! 2 years ago he tried it one time too-

Violetta laughs very hard and German is embarraced.

G- I wasn't sure if you really like me- he mumbled under his breath.

A- Awww- with that she kissed him in bis lips and he smiles again.
They didn't stop so Violetta go away but before she do this she screams - Go to your room !!!-

Angie broke the kiss and leans her forehead against German's.
- Was I really that bad ??- he asked unsure.
- No you wasn't. Sometimes it was just a bit annoying but I'm still here ...- she whispered back.
He smiles and just has to think how she leaves to France.

G- Promise me that you never ever leave me like you did a year ago !!-

A- First you promise me that we will stay forever together and that we will never hurt each other anymore !!-

G- I promise. Forever ???-

A- Together !!! -

-------------- time skip------------

Now they arrived at the hotel with the students from the Studio.
German and Angie look if everyone get well home. They hold all the time their hands and smile.
After everyone were in their room Angie ask her fiancee cheekly- Do you want to sleep in your "nice" room or do you want to sleep with your very hot and nice future wife ??-
He smiled more and more - Hmm hard choice but I will show you my answer...-
With that he push her against the wall and kiss her very very passionated.
After a while they broke apart and Angie whisper - Okay lets go to my room-

When they arrive at Angie's room, they got inside and close the door ... maybe you can guess what happens next ;).

~Lena/ @germangie_4ever

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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