No talking

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German was once again sitting in his office depressed when Ramallo came in.

- German you cant keep on like this ... depressed all day with your life !!!- he said to his friend.

- I am not depressed Ramallo!!! How many times do i have to say it ????

- Yes you are !!! And we both know why !!! You know its not to late to change your life ... if you finally see in Priscilla is not the right one ...- he started nicely

- Ohhh shut up Ramallo !!!- German snap at him angrily.

- You know what ??? I am done , i dont care if you fire me, i am just going to say it ... - he said now with anger in his voice .- You love Angie !!! You are depressed because your not with her, because you see her every day, but she is not yours, and because you know its YOUR FAULT !!!!!!

He calmed down and said :

- Come on German, you know you have to tell her !!!

German looked at him and sight.

- i think your right...- he said.

He walked out of his office, grabbed his coat and went to the studio.

-------------------at the studio -------------------

Angie was in her class room fixing some things when German came in.

- German ???- she said surprised with a smile witch made him melt- What are you doing here ???

- I came to talk to you...- he said nervous.

- To me ???- she asked blushing, he loved when she blushes. he smiled and looked in to her eyes

- What ??- Angie asked.

- Nothing ... Your just cute when you blush.- he said and Angie blushed evan more. They were looking in to each others eyes when Angies phone went over. Angie picked up :

- Vilu ??? Yes ... now ??? Okey i will come!!!- She ended the phone call and turned to German:

- German i am sorry i have to go help Vilu

- but ...- He started but Angie cut him of.

- we can talk another time German !!!

And with that she walked away.

-----------------------later------------------------Angie was taking some fresh air right out said the studio. German came out the studio and saw her, he walked up to her and touched her shoulder. Angie turned around and smiled lovingly.

- Hey!!!!!- Angie said happily, German smiled shyly and said

- Hey ... about earlier today ...- he started.

- Oh yes, you wanted to talk to me - Angie said - well go ahead ...

- Angie there is something i am trying to say for three years now, but i was to afraid to to say it ... - he said nervously looking in to her eyes... but Francesca came running up to them ...

- Angie, Angie there is a angry parent in the teachers room, and we didn't want to call Gregorio ... - she brought out, out of breath.

- Ohh good ehhh... - she said looking apologizing at German - sorry but i really need to go !!!!

She said running after Francesca.

------------------- Evan later ---------------------

German sat in the music room thinking about when he walked to the piano and started playing Algo se enciende, what he didn't know was that Angie was in the door way watching him.

When he finished he turned around.

- Sorry i didn't want to interrupt...- as German didnt answer she continued - so you wanted to talk to me ???

- ehhh yes ...- he said coming closer - Angie what i have bin trying to say to you is, Angie i ...-but again her phone ringed, she gave him a apologizing look and took it.

- Hey Pablo whats up ??? What, is it important, but ... Okey i will be there in 10 minutes. - she ended the call and looked at German.

- German i am so so sorry but i have to go !!! Pablo needs me !!!!

- But Angie i need you too !!! I need to say something really important !!!! Am i not important to you ???

- You are !!! You are the most important man in my life !!!! I just can't talk right now !!!!

When Angie said that German got all his courage together and said :

- Then we won't talk !!!!'- And kissed her.


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