third time

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Angie sit on the bank where she found out that German was Jeremias and sings Verte de Lejos .... She thinks about that moment and cried. Than comes German and see her crying.

G- This was the bank where you find out that I was Jeremias or ??

A- Yeah ...

G- I was an idiot ... I'm so sorry ..

A- I don't understand why do you did that !! To that time you don't cares about me and and ignores me totally ... But as Jeremias you was so kind to me ...why ?!?

Angie crys even harder so German hugs her.

G- I don't know ... Firstly I wanted to have an eye on Violetta but than I saw you and it hurted to saw you suffer because of me ... So I wanted to help you be a real friend but than came the old feelings back and I fell in love with you once again but I knew it was wrong because I knew if you ever finds out it will breaks your heart and so was it... After you came back I was and I'm still happy about it.

A- Why ??

G- Because I fell in love with you for the third time now and this time I don't want deny it.

And with that he kiss her.


Me and loveGermangie want to wish you all Merry Christmas ❤
We love you
Jet and Lena

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