Pablo: Part 1

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Pablo comes to the studio and see Angie crying because of German who said that the almost kiss was a mistake.

P- Hey why are you crying ??

Angie crys even more and shake her head.

A- Nothing ...

P- It was him or ?? It was German again ??

Pablo was angry because he hate to see his love of his life crying ...even if he don't want to tell it Angie because he knows she don't love him in that way.

A- Pablo why are you think it was German AGAIN ?!!?? And please even it is him... Its my life...

Now Pablo was very angry ..

P- I KNOW ITS YOUR LIFE BUT I LOVE YOU !!! and I know you love him and that break my heart

A- You still love me ?? I thought you move on with Jacki ...and I said it to you 3 years ago I can't do anything against my feelings... I love him but deny his feelings or he move on... Than I have to move on too ...

Pablo get a cheeky smile.

P-maybe you can move on with me ??

And he kisses her ... But angie don't want to kiss him ... She freeze... German stands all the time at the door and listen ... His heart breaks because he saw angie kissing with an other guy and he gets very very jealous ... After this moment he knows that he loves Angie and he swears to himself that he will do everything for her to get her back.

German decide to interupt the kiss. He fakes a cough. He had a pokerface but Angie look him in the eyes and see that he is sad and heartbroken. She feels very depressed because he suffers because of her. She wants to do something.

A- First Pablo I don't feel the same way... Sorry I love you as my best friend and nothing more ...

She hugs him and Pablo wispered in her ear

P- Tell him how you feel.

She nods and smiles.

A-...and second German can I talk to you ??

Now she see in his look that he isn't sad and heartbroken anymore ...maybe because he loves her too ??

Cliffhanger sorry we will update tomorrow.

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