Hot Tango

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German gives a buisness party at his house. He break up with Pricilla 2 hours ago because she cheated on him with Gregorio and because he don't want deny his feelings for Angie any longer. So he said to Vilu that she have to invite Angie for the party. And she came but Angie and Vilu are upstairs to get ready for the party. German is very exited to see Angie in a beautiful dress. He talked with Ramallo and one of the guest when he heard loud gasps and some "wow"s. He looked were it come from and gasp too. Angie and Vilu arived and they are both beautiful. Violetta wears the pink dress from Maria and Angie wear a light purple dress. He can't take his eyes from the most important women in his life.German goes to Angie.

G- Angie you look stunning.

She blush and smiles warm at him.

A- Thanks

Then she goes with a blonde guy dancing. German is very jealous. After the dance he goes to Angie but Angie run away from him and start dancing with Ramallo. German want to tell Angie how he feels and that he break up with Pricilla. After the dance he grabs Angies waist and spun her around.

A- German that is wrong !!

G- What is wrong ?!? You and me together "us" ?!? No Angie not this again !!

A- There is never be an "us" and it is wrong you have a girlfriend and I'm your sister in law !!

G- No Angie we had this talk 3 years ago and I made a big mistake to let you go !! And by the way I haven't got a girlfriend ... I broke up with her because I love the most beautiful, kindest, smartest woman in the world and you aren't my sister in law anymore... I know it hurts but she is death !! So please one dance with me ??

Angie had teers in her eyes but she accept the offer. German starts to dance a hot Tango and the dance becomes hotter and hotter. At the end Angie lies in German arms and gasp "wow" ... Than he kisses her passionately on the lips and the other people starts clapping.


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