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Angie is alone in her class room and plays Algo se enciende with the piano.

She had flashbacks.... from the first time she saw german, first hug, first kiss than the bad times... Esmeralda and how she discover Jeremias and go to France and than she remembered how she came to Barcelona and sing with him and Vilu Algo se enciende. Than she think about the engagemant party of german and bitch (Pricilla) and how sad she was ....

Flashback ends and one tear run over her cheeks. German comes in.

G- Why are you crying ??

A- I cry because I think about the past and now I ask me why you kept your distance from me all the time. I mean before you knew who I was, you did everything for me and tried to be always around me. You kissed me !!! Than you discovered who I was and you started to keep distance but in the summer after you tried it again. Than cames Esmeralda.... And ...and it breaks my heart to saw you with her and..and.. how you ignored me... That still hurt me.

He don't do anything and started to cry too.

G- I know and I'm so so sorry. I was an idiot, an asshole or whatever. At this time I was unsure about you and me because you was Marias sister and all that. But now I'm sure that we would be a great couple.

With that he came closer and kiss her.


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