the show part 1

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Its time for the show in Selvilla but before it starts Angie talks with Violetta...

A- Violetta ??- she asked her Niece- Everything okay ?? Are you nervous ??-

Violetta starts smiling because she see a very nervous Angie infront of her.
-Yeah everything is okay but I see that something bother you ... Is it my dad ??-

Now Angie freeze and stuttered- Noo ... I just wonder where he is ... I mean he isn't here and after all we are here because of this...-

Violetta don't believe her aunt and cross her arms - Angie I know when you are lying and I know too that he didn't came yesterday. That bothers you right ?! And you ask yourself if he loves you or not. -

Angie nodded shyly- Violetta its just ... When we arrive here I thought he change a bit because he cared about me like 2 years ago before he knew where I really am... and ..and I saw a future for us but when he didn't came he showed me that he moved on ...- now she had tears in her eyes and whisper- ... I thought he loves me-

Violetta couldn't say a thing and just hug her otherwise Angie would see her smile and Violetta don't want Angie to discover her plan ... The plan that German propose Angie ...

- He loves you. I know that.- that are the last words she whisper to Angie before she go on stage.

At the same time Angie don't know what to do. Smile or cry ??

----------------------time skip----------------------

After the final song everyone come on stage and clap but Vilu and Ludmi grap the others backwards so that Angie and German are alone on the stage.

German looked confused to Violetta so she came up to him and say- Do what you are supposed to do.. Find your destiny- with that she smiles to Angie and dissapear.

German understand and go on one knee - Angeles ??-

Angie was shocked but she whisper - Yes ??-

German take a deep breath and starts speaking- Angie you are my destiny so would you give me the honour and marry me ??-

A- No...-

Tomorrow comes part 2

~germangie_4ever / Lena

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