•[1-Life of a junior inventor]•

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Alex's P.O.V

I've always been a fan of inventors, making cool gizmos and gadgets, like the types of inventions that people in spy movies use. And about 5 years ago, I made my dream of being an inventor a reality. I created a working homemade tracker tag for my pet Sparky and attached it to his collar. After that, the inventions only got bigger and more complicated and I ended up making so many, that I even have my own workshop in the basement. But I've been getting less time to invent lately with highschool. Now I'm 15 and have a lot more things to think about and get started with than when I started inventing, passing the tenth grade is one of them.

"Alex! Come down here, breakfast is ready!"

I hear my little brother's voice coming from downstairs and lazily crawl out of bed and make my way down to the kitchen where I see my mom at the stove frying up some eggs.

"Morning Alex." She says to me.

"Morning." I yawn and take a seat at the table.

"Hey there my genius of a son." My dad walks into the kitchen and gives me his usual bear hug.

"Hey dad." I say.

"Stayed up late again?" He asks.

"No, Caleb kept me awake by playing League of Legends until midnight." I say sleepily.

"Did you tell him to leave?" Mom asks.

"Only about a thousand times. Then I finally shut the game off and kicked him out of my room at like 3 in the morning." I reply.

"It's not my fault you have a TV in your room." Caleb says sitting down next to me.

"But it is your fault for keeping me up all night you little brat!" I snap at him.

"But mom and dad hogged the TV in the lounge all night and I had to play in a clan match." Caleb says.

"You could've done that when I was awake." I say.

"I had to win for my clan! If you ever played LoL then you would understand." Caleb folds his arms and pouts at me.

"You mean the game with the most toxic community in the world? Yeah, hard pass. Besides I have better things to do." I say.

"Okay you two, enough fighting." Mom says putting the eggs she was frying onto plates.

She adds bacon and toast to the plates and slides them to me and Caleb. She then fills a glass of orange juice and gives it to my brother before sliding a cup of coffee to me. I take a sip and start eating my food. Once I'm finished I take my plate and cup to the kitchen and head to the lounge where I unplug my phone and flop on the couch. Then I get a text from one of my friends, Amelia.

You awake yet Dr. Gadget?

Yeah, though I really wanna go back to bed😴

Well don't forget about meeting me, Brian and Ryker at the park later

😮Oh Crap! I completely forgot!

Just as I thought you would with all the inventing you do😅

Oh shut up😑

Relax, we meet at 10

Cool, so, I'll see you guys there in an hour?

Sure. See you then😉

See you soon Amelia

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