•[7-Into the workshop (part 1)]•

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[Hello, yeah it's me again, casually returning from my hiatus with no explanation of where I've been for the past month. But hey, I got a brand new chapter that I know some of you have been waiting for, so enjoy.]

Sonic's P.O.V

The past week has been one of the best I've had on this planet. After Alex's family took me in they started treating me more and more like their own kid, and I love it. Caleb and I started hanging out a lot more, his parents are kind to me almost all the time, and me and Alex have become even better friends since then. I even have my own room in the attic. Things are finally starting to look good for this hedgehog. I hear the trapdoor to my room open.

"Hey Sonic."

"Morning Alex."

"Mom finished making breakfast and told me to call you downstairs."

"Okay, just give mea minute."

With that, I put on my shoes and dash downstairs. I sit at the dining table, Alex comes down after me a few minutes later.

"Took ya long enough." I joke.

"Oh whatever." He scoffs sitting next to me. A minute later, Alex's mom brings the food to the table, setting plates of grilled cheese and egg in front of us.

"Thanks mom." Alex says.

"Yeah, thanks Mrs D." I say.

"No problem boys. Make sure you wash your dishes when you're done." She says walking back into the kitchen. After a while, Alex's dad walks down in a sleeveless suit.

"Morning boys." Me says to us.

"Hey dad." Alex says taking a bite out of his grilled cheese.

"Morning." I greet.

"Off to work already?" Alex's mom asks. His dad nods.

"Yup. I got a call from the office last night saying I have to be in early. Not exactly sure why though."

"Well, enjoy work honey."

With a quick kiss on the cheek, Mr Davis walks out the door and drives off in his car. A second later, Caleb walks downstairs, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning everyone." He says after letting out a long yawn.

"Let me guess, stayed up playing Call of Duty again?" His mom asks.

"Yeah." Caleb mutters. He then goes to the table and sits down next to me.

"Hey Sonic." He says.

"Did you get any sleep at all Caleb?" Alex asks.

"What do you think brainiac?" Caleb snapps tiredly. Alex frowns.

"Jeez Caleb, I just wanted to make sure you're well rested. You don't have to be a brat about it." Alex says annoyed.

"Whatever. Where's my breakfast?" He says.

"In the microwave." I point.

"Thanks." Caleb says walking up to the microwave and taking his breakfast up to his room.

"Does Caleb always eat in his room?" I ask.

"Well, he's made it sort of a tradition every Saturday. He barely leaves his room anyway, which is a good thing for me." He says taking a bite of his egg.

"What do you mean by that?"

"If Caleb if in his room all day, then he won't bug me about my inventions or try to sneak into my workshop. That's why I love Saturday so much."

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