•[2-The name's Sonic]•

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Alex's P.O.V

I pull away some of the branches and make way to sit on one of the branches. Then I look at the blue thing again and I clearly see that it's indeed not a bird. It's anything but a bird. The thing looks like a small, weird anthropomorphic, humanoid animal with a long black nose, thin arms and legs, blue and peach fur and what looks like quills on the back of its head and back, kind of like an Animal Crossing character. Its eyes are closed, so I guess it's asleep.

"What is this thing?" I say to myself quietly.

My curiosity getting the better of me, I slowly reach out my hand to the sleeping creature. Then, I hear something troubling-


It's coming from underneath me. The branch that's holding me up is breaking-


This isn't good. I need to get down fast. I try to get down but the branch breaks more, until-


The branch snaps and both the branch and me fall to the ground. I catch a glimpse of the creature quickly opening its eyes before hitting the ground with a hard thud. I sit upright and rub my back in pain before opening my eyes to the creature reaching out its hand to me.

"Are you okay?" It asks.

My eyes widen in shock and I stumble to my feet, staring at the thing in amazement.

"You can talk!?" I say. The creature looks up at me puzzled.

"Well, the fact that you can understand me kinda answers that question." It replies, crossing it's arms.

"You're a cocky little thing aren't ya?" I say also crossing my arms.

"Rude! I'm not just a thing y'know." It snaps.

"Then what are you anyway?" I snap back. It then holds out its hand to shake mine.

"The name's Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog." He says with a smile.

"I'm Alex Davis." I say, hesitantly holding out my hand to shake Sonic's.

"So, what exactly are you?" I ask.

"What, are you deaf or something? I just told you I'm a hedgehog." He says.

"Really? You? A hedgehog? You look like anything but a hedgehog." I chuckle.

"What do you mean by that?" Sonic asks curiously. I grab my phone from the bench and show him a picture of my pet hedgehog.

"That's what I mean. You look nothing like a hedgehog." I say.

"Huh, I guess your planet's hedgehogs are a lot different than mine." He mutters, scratching his chin in thought.

"Wait, what do you mean 'your planet's hedgehogs'? Are you from another planet or something?" I ask curiously.

"Yup. I come from a planet called Mobius. It's likely on the other side of the galaxy from here." He says.

"So you're an alien? That explains a lot." I say.

"An alien!? That's a rude thing to call otherworldly life forms." He turns around and crosses his arms angrily.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I say. He turns back to me with a smirk.

"Don't sweat it." He says jokingly.

It's only then that I realise how late it's getting. The sun is starting to set. Then I look at the time on my phone, and my eyes widen in shock.

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