•[8-Into the workshop (part 2)]•

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Sonic's P.O.V

The lights reveal that I'm in a huge room about 2 and a half meters tall, the walls on the left and the right are covered with large shelves with tons of inventions and gadgets on them. Across the room from me is a large area with a ton of tools on the wall and a table with a bunch of metal parts.

"Pretty cool huh?" Alex says.

"Incredible is more like it. I've never seen anything like this before." I say.

"Not even on Mobius?" Alex asks.

"Nope." I reply. I just look around in amazement. Now that I realise it, Tails doesn't have this many inventions. Especially not on display like this.

"This must've taken forever to build."

"Yeah. My grandparents built this for me for my twelfth birthday. My room was filled to the brim with all the gadgets I built, and I had nowhere else to put them. So they built this for me. Cost like four and a half million dollars, but it was definately worth it."

"Four and a half million!?"

"Yup. But do you wanna know something?"


"This is only 75% of the gadgets I've made."

"Wait, there's more?"

Alex walks to the middle of the room. He motions to me to come stand with him. As I stand next to him he taps his foot in some sort of pattern. After a second or two, the floor lights up and a blue ring appears underneath us. The floor then starts to sink slowly, and after a few seconds I find myself in a different room. It's smaller than the one above, but it's still pretty large. The walls are lined with shelves, just like the one above us, but these inventions aren't any old gadgets. The shelves have blades, blasters, cannons, just about any type of tech weapon you could think of. I stared at them all, my jaw dropped.

"What do you think?" Alex asks.

"I've never seen this many weapons in a small room like this." I say amazed.

"I know right? Nothing really happens in this town, but I like to tinker around and make cool weapons when I'm bored. I mean, I'm not gonna need them, but they're fun to build." Alex explains. I just nod, looking off to the side. I catch sight of a pair of fingerless gloves on one of the shelves. I walk over and reach out before having my hand slapped away from the shelf.

"Whoa, there Sonic. Do not touch those gloves!" He says.

"But... they look so cool... and they're fingerless."

"They're prototypes, and they're still in the testing phase. If you're not careful they might explode in your face or blow your hands off."

"Aaahh... what do they do?" I ask. Alex looks away nervously before carefully taking the gloves off the shelf and putting them on. I open my mouth so point out the irony when Alex cuts me off.

"Frost-fire, activate." He says. The gloves suddenly light up, one lighting up red, and the other blue.

"Whoa." I mutter.

"Yeah. These are actually my latest weapons. These gloves allow me to freeze the air to form ice with one glove, and secrete a nitrogen-like gas that combusts to make fire in the other. I call them the frost-fire fists." Alex explains.

"That is so cool!" I shout.

"Yeah, well I got the idea from a character in an anime I watched once." He says scratching the back of his head. I tilt my head confused.

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