•[4-A budding friendship]•

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Alex's P.O.V

My eyes slowly flutter open. I cover them from the ray of sunlight shining through the window. I kick the curtains closed and spread my arms put on the bed. Then I realise that the bed feels empty. I open my eyes and sit up instantly before ripping the covers off of me and running downstairs.

"SONIC! SONIC!?" I call out.

I slide down the railing and land at the bottom of the stairs, then stare in surprise as I see the blue hedgehog sitting on the couch with the TV remote in one hand and a bag of Doritos in the other. He looks at me with an innocent smile.

"Morning." He says simply.

"Wha-What are you doing?" I ask, lost for words.

"Watching TV. What does it look like I'm doing?" He asks cheekily.

"No, I mean what are you doing outside my room? My family is still asleep, they would lose their marbles if they saw you!" I say holding the sides of my head.

"Okay, firstly, calm down. You're overreacting. Secondly, your family isn't here. They left hours ago." He says eating a Dorito. I stare confused.

"What do you mean 'they left hours ago'?" I ask.

"They left a note on your door saying they were all going somewhere." Sonic says.

"Uh huh, what time did they leave exactly?" I ask.

"Six in the morning." He replies.

"Six in the morning!? What time is it now?" I ask surprised.

"Eleven forty five." He says

I look at the clock ticking on my wall, and like Sonic said, it's been five hours and forty five minutes since my family left.

"So, how'd you sleep?" He asks. I turn to him and run my hand through my hair.

"I slept fine, thanks." I answer simply. "What about you?"

"You're chest was surprisingly warm." He says casually.

"What?" I ask.

"I said your cheat is warm." He repeats.

"Huh. Well, that explains why I woke up at 3AM with you hugging me like a plushy." I mutter.

"What was that?" Sonic asks dashing over to me.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I say walking to the kitchen. Sonic walks back to the couch.

"Your chest is still bare by the way." He says across the lounge.

I feel my cheeks burn before rushing upstairs and throwing a shirt on. I walk back downstairs and start making something to eat, acting like i didn't just get embarrassed for not having a shirt on. A second later, Sonic walks up to the kitchen counter chuckling and sits down on a chair,

"Heh, the look on your face was priceless." Sonic laughs in his seat.

"You enjoy making me feel embarrassed for stupid reasons, don't you?" I roll my eyes at him and return to the food I started preparing. I hear Sonic chuckle again and turn to face him.

"What? A hedgehog can't mess around with his new friend?"

"Not when that friend isn't a big fan of pranks."

"Whatever, but you have to admit. Your face was hilarious though." 

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say buddy."

I turn back to the stove and continue making myself breakfast. I catch Sonic spinning in his seat out the corner of my eye, then stop to stare at the ground with his legs crossed. He looks like hes I thought right now.

"Do Ryker, Amelia and Brian play pranks on each other?"

"Yeah. Wait, how do you know my friend's names?"

"You guys have met in the park a lot in the last two weeks. Plus, I practically lived in that tree."

"Okay, fair point."

The two of us talk for about another hour and a half. I finish making myself breakfast and end up making something for Sonic to was as well. We eat, then we play on my PS5 for the rest of the afternoon, me beating him in half of the games. We then do Just Dance for about thirty minutes into the evening and end up so tired that we almost pass out from the exhaustion. We then watch a few movies until nine at night. And by then, Sonic is asleep on my lap. His fur feels surprisingly soft on my lap, and he snores softly while he sleeps. I find that adorable.

"Man, today was fun. But it's time to hit the hay." I say to myself. "Okay, time to go to bed buddy."

I turn off the TV, then pick sonic up and put him on my back, carrying him to my room and turning the lights off as I go up the stairs. Once I get into my room, I close the curtains and open the covers. I let go of Sonic, but he hangs on, his arms and legs wrapped tight around my torso.

"Mmmh." He grumbles.

"Sonic, come on. I gotta get changed." I say quietly.

"No Longclaw, I don't wanna eat those Brussel sprouts, you can't make me..." He says sleepily.

I chuckle and put him on the far side of the bed. I take off my shirt and change into a pair of shorts and a tank top before climbing in on the opposite side of the bed. I yawn and turn the bedside lamp off and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep, but not before saying goodnight to my new extraterrestrial friend.

"Night Sonic." I mutter.

"Goodnight Alex." I hear Sonic mumble tiredly.

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