•[10-How to track a supervillain]•

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Alex's P.O.V

"What?" Sonic asks.

"You heard me. We're going to follow Robottnik back to wherever he came from." I say.

"Okay, why would we do that?" Sonic asks in protest.

"The guy is just too suspicious for my liking. I wanna know what his deal is coming to my house." I say, looking down at him. "Not only that, but he had a drone scanning the attic, and a pair of X-ray goggles. Nobody that works in a power manufacturing facility would ever need those. He was definately up to something."

"So you're going to track him down? Alex, that's not not a good idea." Sonic protests.

"And why is that?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"It's better if you don't know." He says.

"Sonic, for all no know he could be plading on blowing up the house, for some reason. Plus, he was close to finding you. If I didn't electrocute him you would be discovered." I explain.

"But it's not a good idea to track an evil mechanical mastermind like Eggman!" Sonic shouts, before quickly coveribg his mouth. I stare at him.

"Evil mechanical mastermind? What do you mean Sonic?" I ask. Sonic let's out a sigh.

"Robottnik is a supervillain from my world, okay?" Sonic says quietly.

"I'm sorry, what!?"

"Yeah. Back on Mobius, he's one of the biggest threats to my friends, and the planet. Sure, I beat him, multiple times, but the things he can make can be scary at times. He has the ability to destroy an entire planet if he really wants to." Sonic explains. My eyes widen in shock at his words.

"No way. You're joking, this has to be a joke...right?" I ask. Sonic shakes his head slowly.

"Take it from me, you don't want to get stuck in a room with one of his machines." Sonic says. I hum in thought.

"So then, what was he doing here?" I ask.

"Well, it's a long story. It actually started back on Mobius where-"

"No, I mean at my house." I cut him off.

"Oh. I don't know, but whatever the reason, it can't be good." He says grimly, his arms crossed.

"All the more reason to see what he's up to." I say walking to the door.

"Come on Alex, please. How are you even gonna find him? His lair here on Earth, if he even has one, is super well hidden." Sonic says.

"I shot him with an electrification dart, but it also acts as a tracking device. According to my watch, it's still on him. Meaning we can jus follow the signal to find him." I say, tapping a button on the watch.

"Seriously, what are you doing when you come up with this stuff?" Sonic asks.

"You'd be surprised. Now come on, lets go. If we wanna find out what he was doing here, we gotta get going." I say putting my hand on the doorhandle.

"I still don't think it's a good idea." Sonic says in protest. I groan.

"Why not?" I ask.

"If it's anything like his lair on Mobius, the place is covered with traps and crawling with badniks." He says.

"Badwhats?" I ask.

"The robots he builds. Some roll, some fly, all of them are annoying to get rid of." Sonic explains.

"Then in that case, I'm gonna need to bring a few of the inventions from my workshop." I say running back into the house, Sonic dashing right behind me. I rush down into the basement, down the stairs to the underground workshop and down the elevator into the weapons section.

"Okay, what am I gonna need here?" I mutter to myself. I grab a shoulder bag laying on the ground next to one of the shelves. I look to the frost fire gloves, before walking over to grab the small blaster sitting next to them. I then walk over to the sound cannon I showed Sonic earlier and put it in the bag along with the blaster. I then grab the hammer and put in in the bag as well. I then go up onto the upper level of the workshop and grab the psychokinetic rings before putting them on my wrists.

"Okay, is there anything else I'll need?" I mutter to myself. I look around and spot a disc the size of my hand, a glowing red ring on the side. I grab it and carefully slide it into the bag.

"Just in case." I mutter to myself. With that, I head up the stairs into the basement, where I see Sonic waiting for me at the door.

"Okay, I got all I need. Let's go." I say.


"You're not gonna talk me out of this Sonic. Come on." I say, walking outside. He lets out a sigh.

"Fine. But if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming it all on you." He says, following me out the door. I close the door behind me and press the button on the silver box. I throw it a few feet away from me and watch it transform. After the motorcycle has fully taken shape, I put on my helmet and motorcycle gloves.

"Okay, where am I gonna sit?" Sonic asks, tapping his foot.

"Activate passenger mode." I say. The motorcycle then starts to shift again, forming a sidecar big enough for Sonic to ride in. His face lights up with amazement.

"Thats, where you're gonna sit." I say proudly. "Hop in." I say, handing Sonic a spare helmet. He gives me a confused stare, before jumping into the sidecar. I take off the watch and attach it to a screen in front of me. The screen lights up, showing a map with a beeping red dot in the left top corner.

"That's the location of the tracker, huh? So I guess that's where we gotta go." I mutter. I hop onto the motorcycle and start the engine, before looking down at Sonic.

"You ready Sonic?"

"I have a bad feeling about this Alex."

"Okay, then let's go."

With that I rev the engine one more time, and in a flash, we speed off out the driveway and into the main road. Next stop, the lair of Dr Robottnik. 

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