•[6-New to the Family]•

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[Sorry for the long wait. Been busy as hell for the past few weeks. But enjoy the chapter anyway.]

Alex's P.O.V

As dad grabs another item, a hard pillow, to throw at the blue hedgehog, I grab one of my inventions and aim it towards dad. I shoot my invention at the pillow, which shoots a whip made of static Nylium and latches around it. Then I pull it towards me, catch it, and run in between dad and sonic.

"Dad, what at you doing!?" I yell. He looks at me surprised.

"Alex thank God you're here. Caleb found that...thing in your room when we got here." He says. I see Sonic put on an offended expression.

"I'm not a thing, I'm a hedgehog!" He says angrily.

"A what?" Dad asks.

"Alex, what's going on here?" My mom asks from across the room.

"What is that thing?" Caleb asks, pointing to Sonic.

"And what the hell is it doing in my house?" Dad asks.

"If you can all quiet down then I can tell you!" I yell at them. They all stand there with their mouths shut and stare at me. I turn to Sonic.

"Run up to my room and hide in the closet." I whisper to him. Without hesitation he dashes up the stairs.

"Okay, now tell us, what's going on?" Dad asks. I let out a breath before answering them.

"That thing that you saw run up the stairs, his name is Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog." I say. But as I'm about to start the next sentence, Caleb decides to chime in.

"He looks nothing like any hedgehog I've seen." Caleb interrups.

"Thats because he's from another planet roughly on the other side of the galaxy or another dimension you big dolt." I say cross-armed.

"I'm sorry, what!?" Mom asks.

"Did you just say that he's from another planet?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, I did." I answer simply.

"Okay, that's one question answered. Now why is he in my house?" He asks.

"Because I let him live with me." I shrug.

"Alex, you can't be serious. You let a being from another planet live here!?" Mom asks angrily.

"Yeah, I did. He has no way to get back to his home planet so I offered to build him something to get him back there. And I said that in the meantime, he can live here." I explain. Dad looks at me furiously.

"And you decided to do this without our knowledge or consent!?" He yells at me. "How long has he been here?"

"Three days." I answer.

"You kept that, hedgehog, for three days!?" Caleb asks.

"Well, today is his last day in this house." Mom says. I turn to her shocked.

"What!?" I ask.

"You heard me. I don't want him anywhere near me. He leaves today." She says coldly, crossing her arms.

"No, mom you can't do that." I say defensively.

"Alex, I don't want to be living with some, life form from from a planet we don't even know exists. I just can't." She says.

"But he's stranded here mom! Stranded with no way of getting back! I promised that I would get him back home, and I'm not going back on it. Sonic is staying here until I get him home, no matter what you say, whether you like it or not!" I yell angrily. My parents look at me with shock and slight bits of anger. The room grows silent for a moment, before I let out a sigh and look at them with a pleading expression.

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