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[Yes, it's me again. I know, I know, it's been months since the last upload and I apologise profusely, but with how busy I was with another book I have, I couldn't find much time for this one. But I had some fee time, so I decided to continue with this story. Hope you enjoy.]

Sonic's P.O.V

Alex stops the motorcycle in front of his house. The sun starts to set over the horizon. I hop out the sidecar as the motorcycle turns back into a little box, which he shoves into his pocket with his keys. I let out a sigh.

"That was quite a thrilling few hours." I stretch, turning to Alex, who's still clutching his shoulder. "How're you holding up?"

"I'm fine. Just trying to come up with a convincing story to tell my parents."

"I'm guessing they're not gonna like you going out to track down a supervillain, huh?"


With that, we go inside. I see Caleb sitting on the couch watching TV. I wave to him.

"Hey, Caleb!"

"Wha- Where were you two!? And what happened to you?" He points to Alex.

"Shut up, not so loud!" Alex snaps, hushing his little brother. "Where are mom and dad?"

"They're still at work." Caleb says.

"Cool. Tell them that I went to bed early when they get back, okay?" Alex says before heading up the stairs. "Hey, Sonic, can you get the first aid kit in the kitchen cabinet?"

"Sure thing."

I dash how the kitchen without another word. I open the cabinet and find the first aid kid immediately. I then dash go the stairs.

"What did you two get into?" Caleb asks.

"Believe me, the less you know, the better."

Caleb raises his eyebrow skeptically before I run up the stairs and into Alex's room, where I find him taking his shirt off, wincing a bit at the pain in his shoulder. A small bit of guilt starts do wash over me, but I shake it off.

"I got the first aid kit."

Alex smiles. "Great. Thanks Sonic."

I hand it to him and he immediately opens it up and grabs a roll of bandages, some cotton and some creams. I sit next go him on his bed, watching him patch himself up. In a couple of minutes, he's all bandaged up.

"Whoa, how'd you do that so fast?"

"Oh, my mom's a surgeon. She used to bring me to work a lot as a kid, and I guess I learnt a thing or two." He shrugs.

"Ah, alright." I reply. The two of us sit in silence for a second.

"I've been meaning go ask...how did you get trapped here on Earth?" Alex asks suddenly.


"You said so yourself, you're from another world, probably from another galaxy. So how did you end up here?"

I sigh to myself. "It's a long story."

"I have time." He says crossing his legs. He shoots me an eager look. I let out a defeated sigh.

"Fine." I say. "It all started back on Mobius. Robottnik was up to his usual antics, trying to take over the planet to make his own amusement park."

"An amusement park?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. He calls it 'Eggmanland'."

"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"I know right?" I said. Alex chuckled. "Anyway, he managed to find one of the chaos emeralds and was about to use it to power his newest machine, so me and my friends tracked him down to stop him."

"What kind of machine?"

"A portal."

"A portal!?" Alex shot me a surprised look.

"Yeah. No clue what he planned to do with it, but anything that egghead has planned isn't ever good for us." I explained.

"Tails said that he might to use it to travel to different worlds and find other materials to build his badnik army out of, or find creatures from different worlds to power his evil schemes, both of which have happened in the past. Either way, we had to put a stop to it."

"Wow." Alex muttered. "What happened next?"

"Uh...kinda hard to say. Everything from there is a little fuzzy. But what I can remember is Eggman activating the portal and me going in after him. Next thing I knew, I was at the park where you found me."

Alex looked surprised. "Man, that's quite the story." He said. "Wait, if you've only been here for two weeks, how did he get an entire lair set up in the middle of nowhere so fast?"

"Beats me."

I flop back onto Alex's bed, letting out a long sigh. "Now that I think about it, before I ended up here, he hasn't been attacking as much as he usually would. Maybe he's been taking time off from villain activity to build his lair."

"Yeah, you have a point there, Sonic." Alex sighs. He looks off to the other side of his room, probably thinking hard about something. Not sure what though. I sit up and turn to him.

"Yo, Alex, you good?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." He replies. The room becomes silent after a while.

"Do you miss them?"


"Your friends." Alex says. "You said you hadn't seen or heard from them in two weeks. You must miss them, don't you?"

I look to the side, not saying anything. Memories that I shared with my friends start to play through my head. Some of our most memorable adventures, a few of the little moments too. The last time I smiled with them... My ears drop.

"Yeah..." I say, a tear starting to form in my eye. "I do miss them. They're like my family back on Mobius, I don't know where I would be without them."

Alex gets up and walks over to where he left his bag and brings it back to his bed. He sticks his hand in it starts rummaging around inside.

"Then it's a good thing we left with these." He says, pulling out the two chaos emeralds that we you from Eggman's base. He smiles at me.

"Don't worry, Sonic. I'll find a way to get you home. I won't rest until you reunite with your friends."

I smile, wiping away the tear. "Thanks, Alex."

"Any time." He ruffles my quills playfully. "Now, get out. I gotta get changed."

"You got it, Dr. Gadget." I smirk before dashing out of Alex's room and up into the attic. I close the trapdoor and jump into my bed. I stare out into the evening sky through the window. It's getting darker out. I notice a few stars starting to appear.

I reach into the back of my quills and pull put a photo and I let out a sigh. It's a photo of me, Tails, Knux, Amy and all the rest of my friends. Even Shadow is in it. I start to wonder what they're getting up to now that I'm not there. I put on a determined smile.

"Don't worry guys." I say to myself. "I'll find a way back to you. We'll all be together again soon. I promise."

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