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Alex's P.O.V

I bolt upright on my bed the moment I hear my alarm. As always, I check the time, turn it off and run to my bathroom to get ready for school. After a quick shower, I get myself into a pair of black jeans, a white and blue shirt, a black, blue and silver jacket and some black and blue shoes. Yeah, it's easy to tell what my taste in clothing is. After dressing up I brush my teeth and run down to the kitchen to make myself some lunch for today. Then I grab an apple from the fruit basket and run back up to my room to get my bag. It's there that I finally notice that Sonic is still asleep.

"Sonic, wake up. Sonic." I say, shaking him. After a few groans from the blue hedgehog, he finally opens his eyes and turns to me. 

"What?" He asks.

"I'm going to school today. I need you to behave while I'm gone okay?" I say to him crouched over my bed. He sits up and looks at me with a somewhat confused but mostly tired expression.

"You're going where?" He asks. 

"To school. It's Monday today and I always get to school early on Mondays." I explain.

"So why did you wake me up then?" He asks.

"To tell you not to get into any trouble. Besides, that note said that my parents and Caleb might be coming back this afternoon. I might not be here to hide you in the basement when it happens. So when they come into the house, run up into here and hide in the closet." I explain to him. He tilts his head. 

"Why the closet?" Sonic asks. 

"Because it's the one place in my room that my brother won't look into to find my inventions." I say. 

"What if i get hungry?" He asks.

"There's Doritos under my bed and a packet of skittles in the left drawer. You'll be fine." I answer. 

"What if i get bored?" He asks. I groan and grab the Nintendo Switch on my study table and give it to Sonic. 

"There, no more boredom." I say. 

"Okay, I'll be fine. Have fun at school." He says sitting up and turning on the Switch. I sigh and shake my he a slowly. I grab my bag from my chair, take my motorcycle keys and helmet and head downstairs to the front door. I walk outside, press the button on the box, hop on the motorcycle and drive to school. 

After about ten minutes stuck in traffic, I finally get to school. I press the button under the seat and stuff the box in my pocket along with the keys and put my helmet in my bag. I then rush into the school building toward the lockers. I reach mine and put my helmet inside. As I close the locker door, I'm startled by Amelia standing behind my locker door. 

"What took ya so long?" She asks. 

"Oh come on Ameals, I'm only two and a half minutes late. Plus, I had to sit through ten minutes of traffic. Cut me some slack." I say leaning against the locker next to mine. 

"Well it doesnt how much time you spent in traffic. Brian and Ryker are waiting for you in the cafe." She says dragging me to the cafe. We get to the cafe where I see Ryker and Brian waiting for me at a table. Me and Amelia join them. 

"What took you so long?" Brian asks. 

"Yeah, you're never late for pre-school breakfast." Ryker adds. 

"Sorry you guys. I got stuck in traffic for like ten minutes." I say sitting down. 

"Well, let's just order our food already, I'm starving." Amelia says. 

And that's what we do. After our food arrives, we eat and talk for the next twenty minutes. Then, the school bell rings, officially starting the school day. Me and my friends have Biolody first lesson, so that's where we go. We sit down at our desks and the teacher, Mr Frech, starts teaching. But only about five and a half minutes into the lesson, my cellphone rings. 

"Who's phone is that?" Mr French asks angrily. I take out my phone and quickly end the call without seeing who it's from. 

"Sorry Mr Frech, my bad." I say. 

"Well, keep I on silent from no-" 

The sound of my phone ringing again in my pocket cuts him off. I take it out of my pocket and quickly end the call again. I look up to see Mr Frech looking at me furiously. 

"Heh, sorry about that. Must be a bunch of telemarketers." I say nervously. Just as i finish my sentence, the phone rings again in my hands. 

"Oh my god, who wants to talk to me this bad?!" I shout. The entire class turns their eyes to me and Amelia, Ryker and Brian glance at me confused. 

"Just, take the call so I can get on with my class." He says. I nod and walk outside the class before picking up the phone. 



"Oh, it's you. Hey Caleb." 

'Listen, dad wants you home right now.'

"But I'm in the middle of Biology, I can't just leave-" 


"Okay okay, jeez! I'm coming." 

I hang up the call. I then walk back inside my class, grab my bag an emergency slip from my pocket and hand it to Mr Frech. Me gives me a disapproving look.

"Now what is it?" He asks.

"My dad was on the line. He said I have to go home right now." I explain. 

"Alex, you seriously-" I cut him off. 

"He said its an emergency." I say. He sighs and signs the slip. 

"Make sure you catch up for tomorrow." He says. 

"I will Mr Frech, I promise." I say, walking out the door. I then run to the school parking lot and press the button on the box, put on my helmet and hop on my motorcycle. I start the engine and speed off down the street towards home. The moment I get to the front porch, I minimize the vehicle, take off my helmet and walk over to the door carefully.

"Please don't tell me they found Sonic, please don't tell me they found Sonic. Please don't tell me they found..."

As I open the door, I'm greeted with the sight of my dad throwing a vase towards the wall, mom standing on the other side of the lounge with her phone to her ear and Caleb hiding behind her. Then, I see a blur of blue rushing to the other side of the room, then off the wall and finally behind the couch.


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