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[Sorry to keep you all waiting. I've been feeling really burnt out for a while now. It is not fun in the slightest, but that won't stop me! Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter]

Alex's P.O.V

I park outside the front door to my up us, pressing the button under the seat of my motorcycle before stuffing it into my pocket. I take off my helmet and walk inside quickly. I dash up the stairs into my room, past my father without saying a word. I grab my laptop and futuristic flash drive off the study desk on the other side of the room, before going back out, sliding down the railing and landing on the floor.

"Whoa, what's the rush, Alex?" My dad says to me. I turn to him.

"Inventon idea. Need to get a draft done for it, ASAP!"

Before dad can say anything else, I rush past him and hop into the basement. But right as I'm about to enter the workshop, I hear someone behind me.

"You're back." I turn to find Sonic at the door of the basement. "Did you manage to design the portal device?"

"Nope." I reply. Sonic's mood saddens a little. I flash him a smile.

"But I know someone who already did all the work for me."

"Really?" The blue hedgehog asks curiously. "Who?"

I input the code into the keypad, then scan my hand on the black screen. The door slides open, and I make my way down the staircase two at a time, Sonic following behind me as the door closes. At the bottom, I hold the back of my keychain in front of the scanner.

"Access granted. Welcome Alex."

The door opens and I make my way past the shelves of gadgets, sitting at my desk and opening my laptop. I turn it on, connect it to the rest of my setup and put in the password. Sonic shoots me a confused glance.

"You didn't answer my question." Sonic says. I stand up and head to one of the drawers on the wall next to me, rummaging around the spare parts and pulling out a black cable and adaptor.

"I'll answer it in a second. I just need to get everything set up." I say, pushing the drawer shut. I sit back down, connecting my laptop to my computer. I connect the adaptor to my watch and plug in the flash drive.

"And, what exactly are you setting up?" Sonic asks. I crack my knuckles.

"A way to hack into an incredibly advanced and likely heavily guarded security system undetected."

"What!? What kind of security system are you hacking into?"



I tap into the information in my watch, scanning through the code it gathered when we went to Robottnik's lair. After a few clicks, I'm met with a pop-up screen requiring a password.

"Huh... Damnit, he already thought of that." I hum in thought.


"Robottnik planned ahead. The security protocols are way different than when I hacked our way into his lair. His internal system is a lot less accessible than the one at his lair, so much so that it can only be accesses by him. It's got a lot more obstacles for me to get past. Hacking into it is gonna be a little more challenging this time around." I mutter.

"Again, why are you hacking into Eggman's system!?" Sonic asks.

"You'll see once I get past its security."

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