Pitch on drugs Pt.2

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Maddie: Umm...he found my drugs...

Pitch: *Hopping around the room* Hophophop

Bunny: Drugs? DRUGS!? Are you kidding me!? Why do you even have drugs!?!?!?

Maddie: I wanted to experiment...

Pitch: *points at Maddie* you Madmad, I Picpic

Bunny: Experiment!? I can't believe you! I can not take him to a Guardian meeting when he's like THIS! * point at Maddie and glares * Fix Him Now!

Maddie: How am I supposed to fix him!!?? I can't just reverse the effects of drugs!!!

Pitch: *Hugs Bunny* Fluffy Bunny

Bunny: Ah get off me! * shoves Pitch away * You just need to. I don't know how. Just fix him. He's supposed to be at that meeting along with Jack. Jacks there, but he isn't. I can't show up without him, but I can show up with him when he's behaving like a toddler.

Pitch: *Sits on the floor and starts crying* B-bad bunny

Maddie: *goes over and hugs him* Yes, he is a very bad Bunny, will chocolate make it better?

Pitch: *nods*

Maddie: *Gives him a chocolate and glares at Bunny*

Bunny: *rolls eyes* What am I supposed to tell the others? Hm? I can't say you gave him drugs, that'd be bad.

Maddie: I didn't give the drugs, he went through my stuff

Bunny: Tch, doesn't make a difference. The drugs still belonged to you.

Maddie:...shut up

Pitch: *points at Bunny* Very bad Bunbun

Bunny: *Point at Pitch* You be quiet. *Looks at you* How long till whatever this is wears off?

Maddie: Well, he had some yesterday which he slept them off for, but was still a bit funny after, so I'd say bout, 9 or 10 hours? Maybe longer

Pitch: *starts crying again*

Maddie: Stop making him cry!!

Bunny: DOES IT LOOK LIKE I MEANING TO MAKE HIM CRY!? * takes in a breath * I'm used to him trying to chock and kill me, Maddie, not him
behaving toddlerish. I'm not used to this.

Pitch: *Whimpers and cry even more (sounding like a crying baby)*

Maddie: Shh shh shh, your alright, don't worry about the bunny, he's not gonna hurt you, shh *rocking him back and forth in her arms*

Bunny: Yeah I'm not going to hurt you Pitch. Don't worry.

Pitch: *Reaches up and pets Bunny's nose (snout?) and smiles slightly* Bunbun

Bunny: *smiles slightly and pats Pitchs head* See? I'm harmless. *laughs slightly*

Pitch: *giggles and hugs Bunny* Nice Bunbun

Bunny: *hugs Pitch back hesitantly* Er, this is strange Maddie. *whispers to Maddie*

Maddie: *Laughs* Just let him do it Bunny, he's a child

Pitch: Can we be fwends?

Bunny: *looks at Pitch* Um, sure, yeah we can be friends....

Pitch: Yay!! *runs around the room* yayayay *trips over a toy and hits head on the floor then starts crying*

Bunny: Oh.. oh no *Kneels down beside Pitch* Hey it's okay, don't cry, don't cry... um.... er... look.. *pulls out an egg and quickly paints it* See, its you.

Pitch: *Looks at it, then at Bunny, looking like an innocent child and starts smiling*

Maddie: *smiling at them both*

Bunny: Here it yours to keep *hands it to Pitch, and wipes his eyes*

Pitch: *takes it and hugs Bunny* Love you Bunbun

Bunny: Um.... I love you to Pitch

Pitch: Yay, Bunbun love me *Jumps up and claps*

Bunny: Yes Bunny.. er.. loves you... does Jack know about well this?

Pitch: *Jumps into Maddie's arms* Love you to Madmad

Maddie: Aww, love ya, and what did you say Bunny? Wasn't listening

Bunny: Does Jack know about Pitch being on drugs?

Maddie: Oh um, no...

Pitch: *giggles and points to the light* L-Ligh-light?

Bunny: Oh well... um... shouldn't someone tell him?

Crazy Friend: LIGHT YAGAMI!!!!!

Maddie: How bout you bring him here, why don't all the Guardians come here?

Pitch: Light Imagay?

Maddie: Yes Pitch, Light imagay

Bunny: Um, you really want to tell all the Guardians that Pitch took your drugs?

Crazy Friend: YES LIGHT IMAGAY!!!!!! DANCE PARTYYYY!!! *runs around screaming*

Maddie: Yes, yes I do

Bunny: Er, okay then, I'll be back with everyone. * disappears down rabbit hole.*


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