Charlie Charlie

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Maddie: *Gets out some paper and two pencils*

Pitch: Maddie, what are you doing?

Maddie: *Draws a grid across the paper writes Yes and No in corners of grid*

Jack: Umm....Maddie?

Maddie: *Balances pencils on top of each other* Jack, Pitch, if I die, bury me with yaoi

Jack: Wha-?

Maddie: Charlie Charlie can we play? *Pencil goes to yes*

Pitch: Holy shit....

Maddie: Charlie Charlie have you killed someone? *Pencil moves a bit on yes but stays on it*

Jack: *Eyes widen slightly*

Maddie: Charlie Charlie was it an accident? *Pencil goes to no*

Jack and Pitch: What the fuck!!!!

Maddie: Charlie Charlie, will you kill me? *Stays on no for a few seconds before going to yes*

Jack and Pitch: AHHHH!!!

Maddie: *Dies*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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