Chapter 17: Little Lachy

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Okay, so the contest was super hard to choose a winner for. There were only three entries, but I loved them all so much! In the end, to decide I thought about what I could do with the character and how I could bring them into the story. So, the winner of the contest was ShamelessWarriorTaco (Awesome username, by the way), and the chapter will be dedicated to her. But, thank you to the other two contestants, too!

~Briana's POV~

"Where's Jerome?" I walk into the kitchen and see an unfamiliar face standing there, talking to Preston. I walk over to Preston and he puts his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"Lachlan, this is Briana, my girlfriend. Briana, this is Lachlan. He's the one who I Skype and you think I'm cray because I keep yelling fish!" I smile at Lachlan and laugh. Then, I reach out my hand and shake hands with Lachlan.

"Oh, you're the guy who Preston posts on Instagram and always captions it with the fish emojis." I never got why Preston did it, but the whole fandom seemed to comment on the photo with fish emojis. Maybe it was a joke from one of their videos?

"Yep, that's me! And I feel like I already know you." I give him a confused look, scrunching my eyebrows. "Because Preston talks about you so much!" I look up at Preston and see his face get red. I laugh at him and punch his chest. "So, like I was saying before, where's Jayrome?"

Preston and I look each other, Lachlan really doesn't know. "Um, Jerome went back to New Jersey.

Lachlan nods his head, not questioning it. Mitch walks into the kitchen. "Well, if it isn't Little Lachy! How is my favorite Aussie?" Mitch asks putting his arm around Lachlan, who quickly shake it off. He's an Aussie, huh? That must be the accent I hear when he speaks. "Oh, by the way, Preston, Briana, is it cool if I have a childhood friend over?"

"I don't remember you ever having to ask permission to have a friend over." I say laughing.

"Good, because she'll be here in twenty minutes." Mitch walks over to the cupboard and grabs a bag of chips. He then continues to pour the chips into the bowl as we continue talking. Eventually I end up walking, feeling kind of awkward listening to what they were talking about...

I head into my room and open my computer. I open Google and search, 'Good vlog tutorial ideas'. I scroll down, until something catches my eye. I watch a video, learning how to do it myself, then I decide to make my own video. "Hey, guys, BritheMinecraftian here, and today I have something a little different. As many of you know, recently I've been obsessed with a little movie called Frozen. So, I figured, why not make a video about it? Today, I will be showing you how to make Elsa's braid."

~Twenty minutes later~

"Well, I hope you enjoyed that little tutorial! If you want to try the braid yourself, feel free to play the video again, I won't judge. Anyways, see ya!" I say, ending the video. I start to edit the video, cutting out all of the times when I made mistakes and almost swore.

"MITCH!" I hear someone yell from downstairs. Mitch's friend must be here. I suppose I'll be a nice person and go introduce myself. I open the door to my room as Lachlan passes me.

"Oh, hey, Lachlan!" I say waving to him. He smiles at me, it's a nice smile, I won't lie. "You heading down to introduce yourself too?" I ask him and he nods his head. We walk down the small hallway together, eventually making it to the stairs and heading down them. I look on the couch and see Mitch talking with a girl. She's super pretty!

She has bright red hair, which is kind of going all over the place. Must be the humidity. She looks pretty short, at least shorter than me, and that's saying something. She has these really nice glasses, that most people would call "nerd" glasses, but really now they're more "hipster" glasses.

"Oh, Bri, Lachlan, this is Holly. Holly, this is Briana and Lachlan." Mitch says introducing us as we walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I lean over to her and shake her hand, giving her a smile. She seems like a nice person to get to know.

"I like your shirt!" Holly says, pointing at shirt. Honestly, I don't even remember what shirt I'm wearing. I look down and I see that it's the periodic table of Minecraft elements. I laugh and thank her.

It's funny how two people can click so fast. As soon as Lachlan shook hands with Holly you can see that they hooked. Mitch and I exchanged a glance when it happen, laughing to ourselves. Suddenly, Lachlan and Holly are chatting the day away, kind of excluding Mitch and I. Mitch points toward the kitchen and I nod, so we walk into the kitchen together. As soon as we're in there and the door is closed, we start laughing.

"Wow, talk about a spark!" I laugh and grab some chips.

"No kidding! I swear, they clicked faster than you and Preston did!" I nod my head, remembering meeting Preston, running into him. I'm glad that Mitch said Preston and I though, he might have accidentally said him and Isabelle.

"Oh, man. I'm pretty sure we could stay in here all night and they wouldn't even notice." I tell Mitch as I pop a chip into my mouth. He shushes me and sneaks over to the door. He presses his ear against it and starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask him, walking over to the door myself to see, or hear, what was going on. I immediately start laughing too. "It sounds like they're making out!" I say, finally able to get enough control of my laughter. Mitch nods his head and creaks the door open.

"That's because they are..." He says pointing towards them.

"No way! They haven't even known each other three hours yet!" I push Mitch out of the way and look through the crack myself. Mitch wasn't lying. Lachlan and Holly are sitting on the couch lip-locked. I laugh and close the door. "We should give them their privacy."

"That's Lachlan for you, he'll get into relationships as fast as he'll end them." I look at Mitch, confused.

"So, are you going to warn Holly? She's your childhood friend, you probably should." Mitch just shrugs his shoulders.

"Nah, she does the same thing. Most of the time her relationships end quickly because she's not afraid to speak what's on her mind, not even if it will get her into trouble." Mitch takes a glass out of the cupboard and fills in with water, taking a sip. "With the way both of their relationships tend to go, they'll for sure be over by this weekend.

Heyyy doods!

I told you I would get this chapter out today! It might almost be 11 at night, but it's still out.

I was outer-neting today with my family after dinner, which is why I didn't finish this earlier, oops.

Anyways, another big thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. <3

If you enjoyed this chapter, be sure to:

Vote with your favorite finger,

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Aaaaand hit that follow button wiht your favorite pet.

I mean, what?

Stay geeky, my friends.


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