Part 13: Can't Wake Up

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~Briana's POV~

"Mitch?" I ask knocking on his bathroom door. "I can hear you crying in there. Open up. Otherwise I'll come in." He still didn't open up. I sigh and turn the knob, opening the door.

No. I see blood. I see Mitch curled in a fetal position on the floor. I see a blade. "Mitch! Why did you do this?" I ask him starting to clean up the blood. "Never mind. You don't need to answer. I know why you did it." He did it because of Isabelle. I take out my phone and text Preston to call the hospital and I told him that Mitch cut.

"Here Mitch, let's clean you up." Mitch groans and I start cleaning his cuts. He did it five times. Just as I finish I hear the ambulance and run downstairs. They load Mitch up into the ambulance and Preston and I hop in with him. The rest of the team are driving behind us.

"No, Jerome! You can't come! You are one of the reasons that Mitch did this. You too Isabelle." I yell at them closing the ambulance door. I sit back down on the bench and rest my head on Preston's shoulder as he puts his arms around me. "Hey, everything going to... be okay." He chokes on tears and I hug him even harder.

~Mitch's POV~

Darkness. All I see us darkness. I try to open my eyes, but they won't open. I'm moving. Not like I'm walking, more like I'm being carried. I hear mumbled talking. Then I hear yelling. It's Briana, it think. She's saying that Jerome can't come. Where can't Jerome go? Where are we going?

Pain. There's a sharp pain in my arm. It's almost too much to handle. I try my hardest to wake up, but it's to no use.

I can't wake up.

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