Chapter 4: Arcadiacon Day 2

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>Preston's POV<

After Briana ran to the bathroom it was my turn. I asked Isabelle, and she said truth. I asked who in this room she would most like to date. She blushed majorly and said Mitch. Mitch started blushing like crazy too. We went through a few more rounds and Briana still wasn't back.

"Excuse me guys, I need to use the bathroom." I said running upstairs. I got to the bathroom door and hesitated. I knocked. "Briana are you okay?" I heard movement and she opened the door. I was about to say something when she hugged me. "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. I just... needed to... think." I hugged her back, apologizing. She says that it's fine, just a dare.

Right. It was just a dare... nothing more.

She let go of the hug and gave me a kiss of the cheek before running back downstairs.I stood there unable to move for a few minutes, then I headed back downstairs to.

>Briana's POV at Arcadiacon<

It was time for the team crafted and friends panel, which left Isabelle and I alone. We took a seat right up front and it started. First thing they did was show off dance moves. Or should I say... "show off"? Then they decided to play musical chairs, waiting for Jerome. They picked a few members of the audience. Preston chose me, and Mitch chose Isabelle. No big surprise. They picked a couple more people and the game started. In the end it was me versus Mitch. I won! ^_^

The the questions & answers portion started. Neither Isabelle nor I got in line, we came ask them questions whenever we want. We listened to the questions and the answers, the was one question that made me perk up.

"Preston, are you and Briana dating?" I nearly had a heart attack when the girl asked that question. I look up at him to see he's looking at me. He sighs, "No... no we aren't." The girl speaks up again. "Were you dating? Isabelle posted a picture and in the picture you have your arm around her waist." I look at Isabelle. I never knew of that picture... She looks at me trying to be as innocent as possible. Preston speaks, "Nope. We were never dating. Obviously that picture only makes it look like my arm is around her waist. It... never was..." He looks down at me from the stage.

We both knew the truth. His arm was around my waist.

>After the panel<

After the panel we went up to them and told them they did a good job. Preston pulled me aside.

"Did you know about that picture?" He asks me. I shake my head. Now people think that we are a couple.

"You handled it nicely though." I say, giving him a hug. We walk back to the group. We all decide to go back to the hotel and go swimming.

When we got back to the hotel, we all went to our different rooms. We went into ours to find my parents asleep.What do they do all day that tires them out so much? I run upstairs to find my bikini. It was pink, white, blue, and yellow tye-dye. I kept my hair in the high ponytail and took off my makeup. Can't let this mascara run! I grab some flip flops when I realize I don't have a cover up. I'll just ask Mitch.

B: Can I use one of your guy's shirts as a cover up?

M: Sure, whose?

B: Don't care, as long as it covers me up! : )

In a few minutes I hear a knock on the door. I go down to open it. Mitch is there holding a Power Moves Only shirt. "It's mine, so it should cover you up pretty well." He says as he hands it to me.

"Thanks again!" I say as I shut the door. I put the shirt on. It's a lot bigger than mine. Isabelle come down the stairs in her cover up that she brought. "Was your shirt that big before?" She asks looking at me.

"No, it's Mitch's." When I say that there is a hint of jealousy in her eyes. "I ask him for a shirt, whichever would cover me up the best. It just so happened to be his. Do you have a room key?" She held up her key and we walked out the door. As I walked out I ran into someone. Again.

I look up to see that it's Preston. "We really need to stop meeting like this." I laugh. We all walk down to the pool which is empty. Weird. All of the boys take off their shirts and jump in, while Isabelle and I... not so eager. We look at each other and decide that it would be our own little power move, even though it really wasn't a power move.We take off our cover ups and turn toward the pool to see all of the boys staring at us.

"What? Do you like what you see?" Isabelle gestures to our bodies, earning laughs. We tell the boys to make room, we were jumping in. The boys gave us room and I started with a little running start. I jump in and the water isn't too cold. I open my eyes under water, and see Isabelle jump in too. I also see Preston underwater looking at me with his eyes open. I wave, he waves back. That's when I resurface.

Suddenly I feel someone underneath me, lifting me out of the water. I look down and see that I'm on top on Jerome's shoulders.All I can this is what he's going to do with me...

>Jerome's POV<

I really want Briana and Preston to get together. Tomorrow is our last day together, so it has to be soon. I know a great way to get them to "accidentally" kiss!

I talk to Preston and tell him this plan. He agrees and I start Mission: Get Briana and Preston Together! I swim under Briana, in a position, so that when I come up she will be on my shoulders. I slowly move up until I'm out of the water. I see Preston in his spot, now or never. I launch Briana towards Preston. The plan is going perfectly. My view get blocked before I can see what happens next.

>Preston's POV<

I'm in position and see Jerome launch Briana. He lined it up great now all I need to do is "try" to catch her but instead end up kissing her. I put my hands out and catch her so that I can make my hands go lower and get her to the right height to kiss her. And then...

>Briana's POV<

When Jerome launched me, I was terrified. I see Preston right where I land. I don't want to see me slam into him, so I close my eyes. I feel hands around my legs, but I slip out of them. I swim back up to the surface and told Preston thanks for trying to catch me.

>Time skip to after the pool<

I dried myself off pretty well at the pool, so I put Mitch's shirt back on. When we get to my room I realize I have to take off his shirt. I look at him.

"No, it's fine. You can just give it to me tomorrow dood." He tells me as he walks away.

I unlock the door and step inside with Isabelle. We head our separate ways and get ready for bed. I take a shower to get all of the chlorine out of my hair. I grab my pajamas and put them on. I drift off to sleep...

Hey doods!

Told you there would be another chapter today! No promises about a third chapter today though, although, there might be.

Later doods,


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