Chapter 6: Getting Home

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~Preston's POV~

"So, are you going to do it?" Rob asks me.

"I-I don't know. I don't think I can. I don't even think she likes me." How much I wish she did. Ever since I laid eyes on Briana, I knew I loved her. Then when I got to know her, and see her personality, I fell in love with her even more than I though possible.

"Well, looks like you missed your chance..." Rob says as he points behind me. I turn to see Briana walking away with her family, Isabelle, and Mitch. 

I make a quick decision. "BRIANA WAIT!" I yell after her, running over.

~Briana's POV~

"BRIANA WAIT!" I hear Preston yell as I walk away. I turn to see him running towards me. I tell the others to go ahead, I would catch up with them.

"Oh, hey Preston!" I say when he reaches me.

"I never got your number." He says taking out his phone. I thought I gave my number to everybody. Maybe I thought he already had it...

"Oh, really?" I pull out my phone too. "It's (Insert phone number here.). What's yours?" I ask him. He gives me his number and I say goodbye and walk away.

~Preston's POV~ (SO MANY POVs!)

I gave her my number and we said our goodbyes. She started to walk away. I didn't even ask what I wanted to ask her...

I turn around to walk away from my missed opportunity and see Rob telling me to go after her again. I decide that he's right, I shouldn't give up.

I turn back around, building up my courage. "Briana, wait." I tell her. She turns around, and I walk over to her. I didn't hesitate, though, I really wanted to . I pulled her in and kissed her. I kissed her. In a few seconds she pushed back. I had my first kiss.

~Briana's POV~

"Briana, wait." Preston tells me. I turn around and see him walking over. He doesn't stop, he puts his body right up to mine and kisses me. Oh. My. Glob. (A/N Not swearing! XD) He, Preston, TBNRfrags, kissed me, Briana, BriTheMinecraftian. I was so shocked, then I started to kiss him back. That's when it hit me. This is my first kiss.

We pulled apart and he looked into my eyes. "Briana, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, a little out of breath. I grinned bigger then I think I ever grinned before. "Yes. I will. Skype me when you get back to your house, okay?" He nodded as I walked away to Isabelle, Mitch and my family. We got on the plane, and somehow Mitch was next to us again.

Isabelle turned to me, "What happened?" She asked. I could feel myself still grinning. "Preston kissed me. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend." Isabelle gasped with excitement. "Isn't that your first kiss?" I nodded my head and she freaked out even more.

Eventually tiredness overwhelmed Isabelle, so she fell asleep. I took this opportunity to text Mitch so that I didn't wake her.

B: Hey.

M: Hey dood.

B: So, when are you going to ask her out? You said you would when Preston asked me, and Preston asked me.

M: He did?? Did you say yes? ;)

B: Yes... :3

M: Okay, I'll ask her when we get off of the plane.

~Time skip~

"In final preparation for landing, please return your seat-backs to the full upright position, stow your tray table, and place all carry-on luggage under the seat in front of you. Electronic devices must also be turned off at this time. Flight attendants will be walking through the cabin to pick up any remaining service items. We'll be landing soon."

We were landing. Finally. Most of the flight, I enjoyed. But, after we made a quick landing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, this one kid kept kicking the back of my seat. He also starting kicking Isabelle's waking her up.

She wasn't happy...

We grabbed our carry-ons when we landed  and walked off. Once we were off Isabelle told me that she would be right back, and I saw her walk away with Mitch.

He was actually doing it. Impressive.

When she came back Isabelle was literally jumping off the floor with excitement. I caught Mitch's eye and waved to him. He waved back and walked away. "I'm guessing you said yes?" I asked Isabelle. "YES! We didn't kiss though.." She pouted. "But, he did ask me out! Wait. How did you know?"

I just smirked and told her I could read minds. 

Isabelle was staying overnight at my house, so when we got home we ran up to my room. As soon as we were up there, we both started screaming our heads off. My parents long ago made my room sound proof. It was around the time I started fangirling while watching Preston's videos. It seemed like so long ago.

"God must feel like granting miracles because not only did we both get a boyfriend today, we both got a INTERNET FAMOUS boyfriend today!" I screamed. Then I remembered that Preston was going to Skype me when he got home. I turned on my computer and opened Skype. A few minutes later I got a call.

It was from Preston, I clicked call and not only was Preston there but a whole bunch of youtubers were there. "Hey, Briana! Hey, Isabelle. We are going to record battledome. Wanna join us?" I turned to Isabelle. "Do you have your laptop?" She was already pulling it out. "Hokeyp. I guess we could play!"

Hey doods! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been super busy!

Yesterday a cleaned my room and still managed to read an entire book. What.

Anyways, I think it just started to rain outside.

See ya.


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