Grey and Blue

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Tomorrow is Saturday. To say I'm terrified would be an understatement. I've been trying my best to avoid my father, mother, and especially my sister. Anna is coming over in a few hours. I don't know if I want to tell her what my father talked to me about. I'm sure she'd understand but that'd be after all of the squealing.

I grab my phone when it starts to ring and I smile when it's Anna.

"Yo hoe. I'm running a bit late so you have exactly one hour to get ready or I'm throwing your ass in the car in your pjs." The scary thing is that she's completely serious.

"Yes, yes, I know. I was about to take a shower. Are we doing anything that'd I'd need dress up or anything?" I could hear her laugh a bit.

"Nah just something comfortable and that you can move around easily in. See you in an hour." Before I even have time to ask questions she just hangs up.

I walk into the bathroom and start getting ready to shower. Sadly I catch my reflection on the mirror for a split second and I couldn't help just checking. I look like shit. The bruises on my face got worse, my ribs ached if I turned wrong or lifted my arms too high. The only good thing is the swelling on my face went down so I don't have to worry about that. Lexi really did a number on me.

After my shower I straighten my hair because my mom says that my natural hair is too curly. I don't get it because I'd say my hair is slightly wavy. If I don't straighten my hair my mom yells at me and a few times she said I was too ugly and joined in with my sister for some of her 'fun' as they call it. After straightening my hair I layer on the makeup and hide all the bruises. I have some pain meds that I've gotten from doctors because I 'have a chronic illness'. My only illness is my family.

"Ari you better be ready 'cuz I'm throwing you into the car. I don't care if you're naked." My best friend barges into the bathroom and as much as I try to hide from her she see's everything and freezes in the doorway, "Ok, what the actual fuck?! I saw you literally yesterday!" I slightly flinch at her tone and I could tell she saw that because her gaze softens a little bit.

"Ok, first of all it's rude to barge into rooms. Secondly please forget this happened. I'll tell you just please not here and not now." I gave her a pleading look and she just looks down and sighs.

"We're finishing this talk later over lunch. Now get your sexy ass into these." I didn't know she had any of my clothes before they were hitting me in the face. She's the only person I'd trust to pick out clothes that not only will I like but they'll look good on me as well. Just as she was walking away I grabbed her.

"Thank you Anna. I promise I'll tell you. For now let's just have a good day. Please." She just gave me a soft hug being careful of the bruises then left the bathroom.

I sighed and got dressed. She chose black yoga pants with a blue stripe going down both legs and a sky blue t-shirt and also added a little black hoodie with a blue heart in the middle of it. She knows what I like and I love her even more for it.

Once we were in the car I asked where we were going but she just gave me a sly smirk and kept driving. The only thing I told her before heading out was that I needed a day of fun and she told me she'd plan everything out. Our first stop was my second favorite place on earth. The animal shelter.

"Hey Anna. Hey Ari. What're you guys doing here? Isn't it your work day Ari?" Ah yes. Everyone here knows up because Anna brings me whenever I have time.

"Hey Brandon. Yeah it was supposed to be my work day but Sue had something come up and had to close the shop so I figured I'd come to my favorite place other than the coffee shop." We both smiled at each other.

Brandon was a nice guy. He was 23 and absolutely stunning. Anyone with eyes could see just how handsome he was. He had these green eyes that could make any girl melt, dirty blonde hair that always looks like he just rolled out of bed but in a good way, He always wears shirts that are just a bit too tight on him. He says it's because girls can see his muscles better that way and that's the reason I don't hit on him. He's an absolute player. He's an amazing guy he just doesn't do relationships and is very closed off about himself. He's a good listener though. I don't tell him anything but Anna just can't seem to stop talking to the guy.

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