See you Monday

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*Alexander's pov*

As soon as I see Mrs. Haynes open the door the only word I could think of was fake. She was trying too hard and you could tell that she's had way too many surgeries. Behind her there was a girl that looked too young for me but that didn't stop her from looking at me like a piece of meat. I knew that they were talking but I wasn't paying attention. I knew that they had daughters but there was no way anything was coming of this if both girls looked and acted like this. I know that Mrs. Haynes was trying to arrange marriages for her daughters and in all honesty I was curious but right now I'm just annoyed. That is until I see what I'm guessing is the other daughter. She was beautiful and carried herself with confidence. I could hear Mrs. Haynes talking to her but I wasn't paying attention, the only thing I heard was her name. Maybe today will be interesting.

"Hello Mr. Ridgeway it's nice to meet you. My father speaks very highly of you." Great she's heard of me but why isn't she looking at me.

"Pleasure to meet you Aryanna. I'm glad Mr. Haynes talks highly of me. Although I would prefer it if you actually looked at me instead of the ground."

When she looked at me and I got a better view at her she was even more beautiful. I couldn't help but check her out and I knew she was checking me out too. I don't think she even noticed that she rubbed her thighs together and bit her lip. Fuck, those lips were perfect and I know there was not a single inch of her body that was changed by surgery. Nothing about this girl was fake. I could also see that her mother and sister were glaring at her like they wanted to kill her.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" I could see her put on a fake smile and that made this even better.

Her father came and told us it was time for lunch. As we walked I could see two of the cutest puppies ever and they just followed next to Aryanna like little ducklings. I definitely noticed whatever her name was next to me. She kept running into me on 'accident' and kept rubbing against me but my eyes were on one thing or more like one person.

As we sat down the fake girl sat down next to me and Mrs. and Mr. Haynes sat next to each other. I don't know why Mr. Haynes puts up with her when it's obvious that she's just a gold digger. She was faking everything. I'd say she should be an actress but she sucks and hiding it.

"So Mr. Ridgeway, are you single? My daughter Lexi is currently looking for someone. She's an amazing woman. She knows how to cook and clean and she's very sweet." What the actual fuck? I may be a dick sometimes but I would never think of a woman like that but for now I'll play along. "

"I am single and she seems like a lovely girl." Before I could finish I heard a small scoff from Aryanna and I just smirked. This'll be fun, "I'm sure she'll make an amazing wife one day."

"Oh yes, she's amazing and would also make an amazing mother. She did learn from me after all." If she learned from you what about your first born? I watched as Aryanna looked at Mr. Haynes and they both rolled their eyes. Ah, so they both know she's fake. At least they know.

Mr. Haynes said it was time to talk business and kicked Mrs. Haynes and Lexi out of the room. I expected him to send out Aryanna as well but instead he told her to feed the dogs then come up. I'm so god damn confused. A few minutes later Aryanna walked into the room and just stood there for a second before her father pulled a chair next to him and she sat down.

"I'm sorry sir but if this is you trying to sell your daughter to me it would be rude for her to be in the room." In all honesty I said that to just mess with her and it worked. Her glare was priceless. What Mr. Haynes said next confused me even more.

"Aryanna did you go through the paperwork?" What paperwork? What's going on?

"Yes father. I believe I'm ready. "

She started talking and I would say I was impressed but that isn't even close to what I'm feeling. She's talking about business, MY business. She's making it sound like she's had years of practice but I've done my homework as well. There were no reports of Mr. Haynes training anyone to take over for him. This is insane. She's bringing up points that surprisingly I didn't even think about. At the end she said their company would be best for mine. It's true and I've punched the numbers but I want to push.

"Oh, and why would that be?" I smirked at her as she gave me a small glare before a confident smirk.

She talked more about how it would benefit my company but what she said at the end surprised me, "We respect you and hope that you will choose us."

"Mr. Haynes you definitely have an interesting daughter here." He gave me a proud smile, "I completely agree with you on your points. There's a simple problem here. Mr. Haynes you have no one to hand down your company to when you retire as most of your staff is on the older side." I need her out of the room, "Now, I have a few proposals but I'd like to speak of those alone with just you." He gave me a suspicious look before he politely told Aryanna to leave.

"My daughter is very special to me and I can see something going on in your head. Alexander I swear, you leave her alone. None of my family know of our past. Please, leave them out of this." I gave a small laugh.

"So you're saying to not bring your family into this? You brought them into this when you first said yes. Now look here Richard, you owe me a favor and currently your wife is already trying to sell off one of your daughters but I don't want her. I want Aryanna and I will have her." He tried to start talking but I cut him off, "My mother is sick but you already knew that because of how close you are to my father. She wants to see me get married and soon. I'm already accepting your business proposal but now this is personal. You OWE me and you NEED me. I'll get you out of the hole you dug for yourself if you give me your daughter. The entire thing will be fake. She will be able to do whatever she wants. I won't even touch her so just say yes Rich." He sighed and gave me a sad look.

"Give me a few days to talk to her. I'll have an answer by Monday. She's the most precious thing to me and the person I want to hand my company down to;"

"Can't say that I'm surprised. She's a very smart girl." He gave me a huge proud smile.

"That she is. She works at a little coffee shop and volunteers at the animal shelter just down the road. Those two puppies fallowing her are fosters that are sick and no one would take them. I love her more than anything in the world. Promise me you won't touch her. She's been through a lot of shit and she thinks I don't know. Please." I sighed and looked down.

"I promise, now I need to go. Give me your answer by 8pm Monday." We walked downstairs and I saw Aryanna sitting on the couch watching a TV show.

"Aryanna, Mr. Ridgeway is leaving now come say goodbye." She jumped up and made her way over to us.

"Goodbye Mr. Ridgeway. It was nice talking business with you and I hope you will consider our proposal. Come over again." She smiled and put her hand out for me to shake.

"Thank you Ms. Haynes. You're a very smart girl and it was very nice to meet you." I reached out for her hand and she flinched back a little but quickly fixed herself. I softly grabbed her hand and placed a small kiss on the top of her hand. I could see the small blush but when I looked closer I could also see a small bit of fear. I don't know her past but whatever happened really messed her up.

"It was nice meeting you." With that I left. I want her and I will get her, no matter what.

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